י' טבת התשפ"ה


"Torah Torah, Chigri Sak". Rosh Yeshiva of Tshebin Hagr"a Genichovsky zt"l

Deep mourning among thousands of Talmidim and alumni of Kochav Miyaakov Yeshiva, Tshebin: after long months of suffering - the Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Avrohom Genichovsky zt"l, was niftar. Despite his harsh disease he did not cancel even one of his daily Shiurim. Thousands are expected to take part in his levaya today

Moshe Weissberg and Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 11.10.12

Nightly riots in Geula: 6 Yeshiva Bachurim arrested

Motzei Simchas Torah boredom: Riots on Kikar Shabbos in Jerusalem. After lighting a recycling facility and a puncturing a detective car, police arrested Israeli and American youngsters.

Yaki Adamker and Eli Shlezinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 09.10.12

New in Mir Yeshiva. Daf Hayomi and VIP dining hall for Americans

New arrangements in Mir: new dining room for American Talmidim. The entry: with special cards. For the first time the chassidish Talmidim will have a Seder of learning the Daf Hayomi, as part of the formal Sdarim of limud

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 22.08.12

Who threw the drop out youths in Chedera to street? Exposure

The organization 'Netiv Ohr' which activates a remedial Yeshiva for drop-out youths in Chedera, has been suffering over the last year from a series of harassments on behalf of the municipality, with the climax being the confiscation of the Yeshiva's building. The institution's members accuse: representatives of the hareidi kehilla envied the building as an institution for girls. And the response of the kehilla?

Eli Cohen, Behadrey Haredim 21.08.12

Who threw the drop out youths in Chedera to street? Exposure

The organization 'Netiv Ohr' which activates a remedial Yeshiva for drop-out youths in Chedera, has been suffering over the last year from a series of harassments on behalf of the municipality, with the climax being the confiscation of the Yeshiva's building. The institution's members accuse: representatives of the hareidi kehilla envied the building as an institution for girls. And the response of the kehilla?

Eli Cohen, Behadrey Haredim 21.08.12

Elul. Yeshiva World returns. Special project

Tens of thousands returned to the Yeshiva and Kollel halls today. Where were new dormitories built? Which Yeshiva will not open? And how many boys were accepted to each Yeshiva? Moshe Weissberg with an all encompassing project: all the numbers

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 19.08.12

Watch: Chug Chassam Sofer lamented at Chazos over the Churban

The custom of Hungarian Jews is to hold the "Tikun Chazos" from the beginning of the month of Av and to lament the churban. In the Chug Chassam Sofer Yeshiva, they sat on the floor at noon time, and together with the Gab"d lamented. Video and gallery

Yaakov Cohen, Behadrei Hareidim 26.07.12

Watch: Chug Chassam Sofer lamented at Chazos over the Churban

The custom of Hungarian Jews is to hold the "Tikun Chazos" from the beginning of the month of Av and to lament the churban. In the Chug Chassam Sofer Yeshiva, they sat on the floor at noon time, and together with the Gab"d lamented. Video and gallery

Yaakov Cohen, Behadrei Hareidim 26.07.12

After stone throwing: the wandering of Knesset Yaakov continues

The Yeshiva which split from the unification with Yeshivas Da'as Emes, moved to a temporary residence in the Arabic neighborhood of Beit Chanina. But the Arab neighbors weren't excited with the settlers, and threw blocks on the Yeshiva Bochurim. After consulting it was decided: to abandon the place – and look for an alternative. Interested to host the Yeshiva?

M. Weissberg & Y. Admaker, Behadrei Hareidim 07.06.12

Rosh Yeshivas Knesses Chizkiyahu, Hagrd"y Mann zt"l

Rosh Yeshivas Knesses Chizkiyahu – Rechasim, Hagaon R' Dovid Yitzchok Mann, was niftar in the Rambam hospital after a disease. Left behind 13 children. His son R' Yehoshua will fill his place as Rosh Yeshiva

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrei Hareidim 07.06.12

101 Ksubos: The Mir Masmid

18 year old Dovid Zelig, learning in the mir yeshiva makes a siyum on ksuvos for the 101th time ● “we are talking about a boy with incredible talent and the ability to study like not many can or do”

Moshe Weisberg 06.03.12
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