ז' אדר התשפ"ה

Elul. Yeshiva World returns. Special project

Tens of thousands returned to the Yeshiva and Kollel halls today. Where were new dormitories built? Which Yeshiva will not open? And how many boys were accepted to each Yeshiva? Moshe Weissberg with an all encompassing project: all the numbers

Elul. Yeshiva World returns. Special project

The 2nd day of Rosh Chodesh Elul, the Yeshiva World starts Zman Elul – the shortest Zman on the one hand, but on the other hand the strongest Zman of the year, being close to the Days of Awe.

Thousands of Yeshiva bochurim started stepping on Motzaei Shabbos with their suitcases on their way to the Yeshivos. The Yeshiva halls will be finally filled by tonight.

Behadrey Haredim site, as on every start of a Zman, presents a wide project about all the happenings and news in the Yeshiva world, with an emphasis on the end of the registration season.

The project, which was meant to be published at the end of the summer Zman, was delayed because of the ptira of Hagry"s Eliashiv ztk"l, and is presented here with the start of Zman Elul, with the additional changes and innovations in the Yeshiva world.

• Chevron Yeshiva, Givat Mordechai. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 158. Hundreds of boys were filtered before the examinations and were not accepted to the test. 182 boys were tested, and 24 boys were left out. The examiners: the Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Dovid Cohen and Hagaon R' Yosef Chevroni. In charge of registration: Harav Shlomo Karelinstein.

• Mir Brachfeld Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 98. Examiner is the Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon R' Noam Alon, son in law of Hagrn"z Finkel zt"l. The rest of the examiners: Hagaon R' Zvi Perzowitz and Hagaon R' Yehuda Leib Auerbach, test the examinees in groups. The interviewers: the Mashgichim Harav Chaim Aryeh Shir, Harav Gudelevsky and Harav Ginzberger. In charge of registration: Harav Shmerl Finkel, Harav Yechezkel Zilber.

• Orchos Torah Yeshiva, headed by Hagry"l Shteinman. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 94. Examiners: Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim of the Yeshiva – Hagaon R' Boruch Dov Diskin, R' Itamar Gerbuz, R' Zvi Yehudah Edelstein, R' Yechiel Kelerman and R' Nachum Liba. Interviewers: the Mashgiach Hagaon R' Chizkiyahu Mishkovsky and Hagaon R' Avrohom Weisblum. At the end of registration, all the Rabbonim of the Yeshiva sit together with Harav Shteinman, where the names of bochurim who were not yet accepted are raised. The Mashgiach Hagr"c Mishkovsky left yesterday for the USA to be menachem the members of the Wolfson family.

• Ponevez Yeshiva – Kahanaman. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 170. The bochurim were tested by the head of the Yeshiva Hagr"a Kahanaman as well as at the Roshei Yeshiva – Hagry"g Edelesteien, Hagrb"d Povarsky, and the Rabbonim – Hagrc"p Berman, Hagr"d Miller and Hagr"d Levi. In charge of registration: Hagaon R' Eliyahu Kelerman and Harav Menachem Eschaik. Due to the crowding, a new storey has been added to the building of dormitory "Beit Pik" along side new caravans, as well as an additional room for Shiurim added to the Sherman library.

• Ponevez – Markovitz Yeshiva: Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 126. Examiners: Roshei Yeshiva Hagr"s Markowitz, Hagr"a Deutsch and Hagr"y Zloshinsky. In charge of registration: Hagaon R' Aharon Zeleznik. Due to crowding, a new storey has been added on to the dormitory building "Beit Brazil". The new floor will give a solution for tens of new beds.

• Tushia, Tifrach Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 146. Examiners: Roshei Yeshiva Hagaon R' Aviezer Piltz, Hagon R' Menachem Ben Menachem, Magid Shiur - Hagaon R' Yaakov Sheinberg, and the mashgiach Hagaon R' Daniel Ernfreund. In charge of registration: Harav Bezalel Gencharsky.

• Maor Hatalmud Yeshiva in Rechovot. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 76. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Avrohom Yitzchak Kook, and the Magidei Shiur Hagaon R' Arye Zlivansky, R' Dov Aharon Zeleznki, R' Arye Kook and R' Yaakov Kahn. In charge of registration: Harav Mordechai Ganot and Harav Yaakov Posen.

• Rina Shel Torah Yeshiva in Karmiel – the branch of the Orchos Torah Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 30. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Avrohom Stuart, Magid Shiur Hagaon R' Moshe Bunim Shechter, and the new Rav who joined last summer Hagaon R' Oren Osteren. The bochurim pass an interview at the mashgiach Hagaon R' Shimon Emanuel. Tonight the Rosh Yeshiva Hagry"l Shteinman will come to Karmiel to open the Zman, and will participate in the Siyum Hashas event, which will be held for all the residents of the city.

• Sha'arei Shmuos Yeshiva at Moshav Beit Chilkiya, headed by Harabonim Hageonim R' Naftali Zvi Yehuda Shapira and R' Arye Shapira. The Yeshiva accepted to Shiur Aleph 46. The examiner: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Arye Shapira. Magid Shiur for Shiur Aleph; Hagaon R' Yisrael Yaakov Pinkus – Rav of the hareidi kehilla in Ofakim. Registrars: Harav Moshe Markowitz and Harav Eliyahu Tombak.

• Knesset Yitzchok Yeshiva, Chedera. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 92. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Yehoshua Ernberg, Hagaon R' Dovid Minzer, Hagaon R' Efraim Rotchild, and Hagaon R' Elazar Dovid Epstein. The interviewer: the Mashgiach Hagaon R' Tuvia Novik. In charge of registration: Harav Yehuda Porias.

• Knesset Yitzchok Yeshiva in Modi'in Illit. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 48. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Yaakov Karp and Hagaon R' Shimon Novik. With the start of Zman, the Yeshiva will enter her new building on Sha'arei Tshuva street in Kiryat Sefer, after staying for years in temporary caravans.

• Beis Midrash Elyon Yeshiva, Bnei Brak. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: about 80. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Yerachmiel Ungarisher and the Magidei Shiurim Hagaon R' Avrohom Yitzchak Lefkowitz, Hagaon R' Yisroel Edestein, Hagaon R' Naftali Kofshitz, Hagaon R' Tuvia Shapira and Hagaon R' Yoel Maklev.

• Knesset Yechezkel Yeshiva in Elad. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 54. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Boruch Mordechai Etinger, the Magid Shiur Hagaon R' Arye Friedman and Harav Shraga Shteinberg.

• Ateres Yisrael Yeshiva, in Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 70. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi, Hagaon R' Yisroel Landau. Interviewer: the Mashgiach Hagaon R' Moshe Kleinman. Shiur aleph will be split into two Shiurim – one given by Hagaon R' Yisrael Landau, and the other by Hagaon R' Yoel Shapira.

• Nachalas Afula Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 32. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Rephael Blum and Hagaon R' Mordechai Lang – of the Yeshiva's rabbonim. Interviewer: the mashgiach Harav Binyamin Brauer. In addition to the new Shiur Aleph, an additional 40 boys from the best in the Yeshiva world will arrive to the 'Kibutz'. Registrar: Harav Chaim Goldberg and Harav David Kolbiansky.

• Chevron Yeshiva, Geula. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 18. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon r' Elchonon Shwimmer. Registrar: Harav Lipa Zeivald, the Yeshiva will start Zman Elul at a building on Even Denan street in Har Nof, Jerusalem, where Derech Hashem Yeshiva was previously located, due to the renting of the mythological building in Geula by Hagaon R' Boruch Soloveitchik, son in law of Hagr"c Sarna zt"l.

• Chochmas Shlomo Yeshiva in Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem, headed by Hagaon R' Yehoshua Neuvirth. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 32 bochurim. Examiners: Hagaon R' Binyamin Dreifus, Hagaon R' Avrohom Rom. Interviewer: Harav Avrohom Levy. Registrars: Harav Yehuda Deutsch and Harav Zvi Friedman.

• Derech Shlomo Yeshiva – Silver, Jerusalem. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 44. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Eliezer Silver, Hagaon R' Yonatan Vilensky and Magid Shiur Hagaon R' Mordechai Yehuda Leib Zaksh. Registrars: Harav Uri Zeleznik, and Harav Avrohom Bordiansky. Despite the Yeshiva's wandering from Pardes Chana to the Gur Yeshiva in Bar Ilan, the Yeshiva has come to an impressive achievement.

• Grodna Yeshiva in the Ponevez section in Ashdod. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 60. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Dov Zvi Karelnstein and Magid Shiur Hagaon R' Moshe Shmida. Registrar: Harav Shlomo Margalit.

• Imrei Zvi Yeshiva, Modi'in Illit. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 30. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva – Hagaon R' Aharon Dov Freund and Hagaon R' Dovid Kessler. Interviewer: the Mashgiach Hagaon R' Avrohom Friedman. Registrar: Harav Avrohom Yonah Freund.

• Kol Torah Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 80. Examiners: Hagaon R' Shmuel Deutsch, and the Mashgiach Hagaon R' Yitchok Yerucham Bordiansky, Hagaon R' Rephael Wolpin, and the interviewer Harav Menachem Rotenberg. Registrars: Harav Chaim Birenbaum and Harav Shneur Nusbacher. Over the last few days, the building of a large section between the two existing buildings was completed, which could accommodate a hundred boys from the Yeshiva, who until now walked every evening after Seder Shlishi to a building which was rented by the Yeshiva, at the distance of a few streets from the Yeshiva.

• Ohr Yisroel Yeshiva in Petah Tikvah, accepted to Shiur Aleph: 74. Examiner: the Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Yigal Rosen. Interviewer: the Mashgiach Hagaon R' Zvi Diamant. Factors in the Yeshiva say that the Yeshiva's success is only from the cities in the periphery and not as in the past from Jerusalem and Bnei Brak.

• Birkas Ephraim Sephardi Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 40. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Bezalel Pinchasi, Hagaon R' Meir Vizman and the mashgiach Hagaon R' Ephraim Walach.

• Beis Shmuel Yeshiva in Mattersdorf, Jerusalem. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 40. Examiner: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Yitzchok Ernfeld. Registrars: sons of the Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yehuda and Harav Yaakov Ernfeld.

• Maor Yitzchak – Chemed Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 56. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Menachem Yaakobson and the Madigei Shiur Hagaon R' Yaakov Englander, Hagaon R' Moshe Eliyahu Schwartz and Hagaon Harav Bretler.

• Kol Yaakov Yeshiva, headed by Hagaon R' Yehudah Ades. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 40. Examiners: Hagaon R' Yosef Vinter and Hagaon R' Yehoshua Ades.

• Maor Hatorah Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 55. The examiners: Magidei Shiur of the Yeshiva Hagaon R' Yaakov Sharhabani and Harav Bardugo, an interview at the mashgiach Hagr"p Algarbali and Hagr"m Elkayam. The Yeshiva has a new building which is in the process of building in the Sanhedria suburb in Jerusalem. As a result of budge difficulties, the building is delayed.

• Toras Moshe, headed by Hagaon R' Azriel Auerbach, Kiryat Yovel Jerusalem. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 20. The examiner is Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Isser Leizerok. Registrar: Harav Asher Benedict.

• Birkas Yitzchak Yeshiva – Ohr Yehuda. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 30. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Avinoam Postavsky, Magid Shiur Hagaon R' Mordechai Bunim Ziberberg – Rav of Shikun He, and the mashgiach R' Shimon Sandomirski. Registrar: Harav Yaakov Shadmi.

• Knesset Yaakov Yeshiva, Jerusalem. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 26. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Dovid Salomon and Hagaon R' Moshe Bernstein. Interviewer: the mashgiach Hagaon R' Yaakov Katz. Registrar: Harav Shmuel Ginzburg.

• The new Yeshiva headed by Hagaon R' Chaim Min Hahar in Kiryat Tzanz, Jerusalem, which opened at the beginning of the summer Zman, will not open a Shiur Aleph this year, despite the good will of the examiners the Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Chaim Min Hahar and R' Moshe Finkel.

• Reshis Chochma Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 30. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Ben Zion Aton and the Magid Shiur Harav Hagaon R' Sasson Chazan. Interviewers: the Mashgiach Harav Shimon Giat and the Meishiv Harav Chazzan.

• Beis Matisyahu Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 72 bochurim. A pre-test was held at the Yeshiva at the Rabbonim of the Yeshiva, Hagaon R' Shraga Fishhof, Hagaon R' Yehuda Arye Rapoport, and Hagaon R' Zvi Weisbeker, and the interviewer R' Shimon Pochovitz. A bochur who succeeded in the preliminary test, entered an examination at the Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Boruch Weisbeker. The bochurim who were accepted had an interview before Zman Elul at the mashgiach's home, Hagaon R' Shlomo Brauier in Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem. In charge of registration: Harav Shlomo Kaplan and Harav Eliyahu Strul.

• Netivos Hachochma Yeshiva, Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 88. The examiner Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Daniel Kalman Wolfson. The Madigei Shiur Harav Ze'ev Eitan and Harav Moshe Landa, in charge of registration Harav Bezalel Krois, Ra"m in the Yeshiva.

• Netivot Hatorah Yeshiva, Beit Shemesh. Accepted: 12. Examiner: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Yosef Rubinstein. Hagaon R' Shlomo Cholak was appointed as mashgiach in the yeshiva. Registrars: Harav Dubinki and Harav Yitzchak Ashlag.

• Netiv Hada'at Yeshiva, Jerusalem. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 40. Examiners: Hagaon R' Yisroel Bunim Shreiber and Hagaon R' Avrohom Kaplan. Interviewer: R' Naftali Kaplan. Registrars: Arye Strauss and Shlomo Gelis.

• Beis Meir Yeshiva, Bnei Brak. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 35. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Zvi Rotberg who stayed overseas did not test, and this year the Magidei Shiur Hagaon R' Daniel Ginzburg and Hagon R' Binyamin Katz, were the examiners. The bochurim also pass an interview at the mashgiach, Hagaon R' Yonatan Shraga Dombe.

• Yesodot Sephardi Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 54. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Baruch Zvi Lev and an interview at the mashgiach Hagr"a Rabinowitz and the Magidei Shiur Hagr"a Vizman and Hagr"c Kohanim.

• Ohr Elchonon Yeshiva in Romema, Jerusalem. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 40. Examiners: the Magidei Shiur Hagaon R' Zvi Pesach Cohen and Hagaon R' Yizchak Sandomirski. After the acceptance stage, the bochurim go in for an interview at the Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Moshe Mordechai Chodosh.

• Rambam Yeshiva in Tel Aviv. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 50. Examiners: Hagaon R' Yehuda Weisbeker, and Hagaon R' Dovid Vilman.

• Kneset Hagdola Yeshiva in Modi'in Illit. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 35. Examiners: Hagaon R' Yitzchak Zeev Zaks – Madig Shiur. Interviewer: the mashgiach Harav Yechezkel Posrino. This year the Rosh Yeshiva, R' Hillel Zaks did not test the bochurim and most of them were accepted to talk in Limud with the Rosh Yeshiva.

• Kiryat Melech Yeshiva, Bnei Brak. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 55. Examiners: Hagaon R' Binyamin Rimmer and the mashgiach Hagaon R' Yisroel Hevlin.

• Grodan Yeshiva in Be'er Yaakov. Accepted to the Shiur: 64. Examiners: the Roshei Yeshiva: Hagaon R' Zvi Dravkin, Hagaon R' Yitzchak Haker. Interviewers: the mashgiach Hagaon R' Dovid Menachem Shneider and HAgaon R' Nechemya Friedlander.

• Knesset Chizkiyahu Yeshiva, Rechasim. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 35. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Yehoshua Mann. Magid Shiur Hagaon R' Yaakov Shmueli. Interviewer: the mashgiach Hagaon R' Menachem David. Registrar: Harav Yaavetz. The yeshiva is enjoying a respectable achievement despite the fact that this year they started registration late, as a result of the ptira of the Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Dovid Yitzchak Mann zt"l.

• Nachalas Binyamin Yeshiva, Modi'in Illit. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 28. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Daniel Yaakobovitz. Interviewer: Hagaon R' Simcha Ackerman.

• Gaon Yaakov Yeshiva, headed by Hagry"l Shteinman. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 18. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Zeev Berlin, Hagaon R' Natan Zochovsky. Interviewer: Hagaon R' Nachum Bernstein. Towards Zman Elul, a new Magid Shiur was appointed – R' Yisroel Berman, son of Hagr"c Berman from Ponevez, who was appointed instead of Hagaon R' Aharon Dovid Wasserman, who was appointed Rosh Yeshiva of Ateres Shlomo in Modi'in Illit.

• Nachalas Haleviyim Yeshiva, Haifa. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 44. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Yisroel Meir Weiss, the mashgiach Hagaon R' Uri Weissblum and Hagr"y Winkler. In charge of registration: the Yeshiva manager Harav Yisrael Yaakobovitz.

• Slabodka Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 70. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Moshe Hillel Hirsch. Interviewers: the mashgiach Hagaon R' Avrohom Polak and Hagaon R' Avrohom Kahn. Registrars: Harav Aharon Hirsch and Harav Gedalya Silman.

• Be'er Hatorah Yeshiva in Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 51. Examiner: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Gavriel Yosef Levy, Hagaon R' Yaakov Moshe Leibowitz, Hagaon R' Menachem Deutsch and Hagaon R' Avraham Posen. Registrar: Harav Boaz Rabinsky.

• Birkas Yosef Yeshiva in Kiryat Herzog. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 38. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Mordechai Zivion, Harav Chanoch Rizman and Harav Moshe Roth. Registrar: R' Yisrael Gronich.

• Kehillos Yaakov Yeshiva in Modi'in Illit. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 30. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Chaim Kloft and his son Hagaon R' Shaul Kloft a Rav of the Yeshiva. The registrars: Harav Avraham Weisenstern and Harav Zvi Friedlander.

• Knesset Eliyahu Yeshiva in Chazon Yechezkel. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 27. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Pinchas Brauer and the mashgiach Hagaon R' Mordechai Vigder. Registrar Harav Binyamin Rotman.

• Rechasim Sephardi Yeshiva, headed by Hagaon r' Eliyahu Zion Sofer, which is considered one of the largest and most important Sephardi Yeshivos today. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 100.

• Be'er Yisrael Yeshiva, Bnei Brak. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 14. Examiner: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Nachum Shlomo Azur Stern.

• Ner Yisrael Yeshiva, Elad. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 40. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Rephael Avitan and Hagaon R' Natan Rozhin.

• Torat David Yeshiva, Beit Shemesh. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 38. Examiner: Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon R' Yinon Shiloni.

• Be'er Yaakov Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 25. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' David Yitzchak Shapira, the mashgiach Hagaon R' Moshe Dovid Lefkowitz. Interviewer: Harav Yisroel Meir Arzi. Registrar: Harav Eliyahu Herbetman, and Harav Naftali Druk.

• Beis Shmaya Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 70. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Shlomo Englander and the Magidei Shiur R' David ben Shimon, R' Yaakov Fein, R' Shmuel Palei. The interviews are held at the Rosh Yeshiva's son, Harav Hagaon R' Aharon Englander.

• Mishkanos Hatorah Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 44. Examiner: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Ephraim Cohen.

• Kiryat Hatorah Yeshiva in Kiryat Gat, headed by Har"s Auerbach. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 40. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Lior Ankonina and interview at Harav Yosef Matzliach – one of the Rabbonim of the Yeshiva. Once a week the mashgiach of Ponevez Hagra"a Desler comes to give a chizuk talk.

• Schar Sachir, the new Yeshiva of the Negev, previously in Netivot. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 25. Examiners: Roshei Yeshiva Hagaon R' Arye Levy and Hagaon R' Zvi Yehuda Gershonovitz. In charge of registration: Harav Shlomo Fruchter.

• She'erit Yosef in Be'er Yaakov. The Yeshiva bochurim are still mourning the death of the Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon R' Nissim Toledano zt"l. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 50. Examiners: the Rosh Yeshiva who was appointed at his father's levaya – Hagaon R' Yochanan Toledano, and the Magid Shiur Hagaon R' Rachamim Zaidi. The interview takes place at the mashgiach Hagaon R' Avraham Gutman and Hagr"s Revach.

• Da'as Chaim Yeshiva in Jerusalem. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 76. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Shalom Bitan, Hagaon R' Yishay Toledano and Hagaon R' Moshe Tapiro. Interview at the mashgiach Hagaon R' Eliyahu Elkayam. Registrar: Harav Shlomo Yaakobovitz – who serves as the Meishiv in the Yeshiva. Every year about 10 bochurim from France arrive at the Yeshiva, and other bochurim from countries such as Mexico. The Yeshiva relies mostly on France for its donations, which leads to the fact that many French residents wish to be among those who learn in the Yeshiva.

• Sha'arei Da'at Yeshiva in Bnei Brak, headed by the Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Yaakov Zrihan. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 40. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Harav Zrihan, the Madigei Shiurim Harav Yaakov Vizman, R' Ariel Yazdi and R' Sar Shalom Yichya. The Yeshiva, which until today was located on Ezra street in Bnei Brak in a rented building of the Rozhin Yeshiva, is moving to the caravan area of the Knesset Yitzchak Yeshiva in Kiryat Sefer, which in turn is moving to a new building. The Yeshiva will include about 170 bochurim in Zman Elul.

• Ohr Baruch Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 43. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Gavriel Toledano, his son Hagaon R' Rephael Baruch Toledano, and interview at the mashgiach Hagaon R' Menashe Donat.

• Torat Ze'ev – Soloveichik Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 54. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Baruch Soloveichik and Magid Shiur of the Yeshiva, Hagaon R' Yisrael Yaakov Shmuelevitz. Interviewer: the mashgiach Hagaon R' Ephraim Ansbacher. Registrars: Harav Yitzchak Ashlag and Harav Yitzchak Dinin.

• Zohar Hatorah Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 40. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Bezalel Toledano and his son Harav Hagaon R' Baruch, Harav dov Palei and Harav Nechemya Roth.

• Rishon Letziyon Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 30. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Yisrael Meir Druk, Hagaon R' Nisan Goldberg and Hagaon R' Yosef Kunstat. Interviewer: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Yair Yisraeli. Registrars: Harav Zvulun Charlap and Uri Fruchter.

• Sha'arei Tvuna Yeshiva in Elad. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 58. Mostly the bochurim come from the Yeshiva Ketana which belongs to the Sha'arei Tvuna institutes. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Aharon Chadad. Interview: at the mashgiach Hagaon R' Shlomo Lavin.

• Rabeinu Chaim Ozer Yeshiva in Bnei Brak. Headed by Hagaon R' Menachem Zvi Berlin. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 20. A new Magid Shiur has been appointed to the Yeshiva who will give shiurim to the bochurim starting from the coming week. The new Magid Shiur is Hagaon R' Rephael Fruchter, son-in-law of Hagaon R' Zvi Rotberg, Rosh Yeshiva of Beis Meir.

• Tiferes Yisrael – Druk Yeshiva. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 12. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Yisrael Meir Druk and Hagaon R' Nachshon Shiller.

• Ner Zarach Yeshiva in the southern settlement of Zru'a. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 22. Examiners: Hagaon R' Yizchak Zeev Feinstein, and Hagaon R' Eliyahu Eliezer Braverman. Registrar: Harav Yaakov Dinner.

• Givat Shaul Yeshiva, headed by Hagaon R' Elyakim Gezil Fashkas. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 32.

• Divrei Emes Yeshiva in Modiin Illit. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 32. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Zvulun Shuv, Hagaon R' Yehuda Katz and Hagaon R' Yaakov Yaakobson.

• Torat David Sephardi Yeshiva in Ashdod. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 30-. Examiners: Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Shlomo Revivo and Hagaon R' Baruch Dov Diskin – of the roshei Yeshiva of Orchos Torah. Registrar: Harav Binyamin Tizbi, once a week Hagaon Hatzadik R' David Chananya Pinto gives a talk directly from his place of residence in France, which is transferred by telephone to all the Yeshiva bochurim in the Beis Midrash.

• Yad Aharon Yeshiva, located in Katamon, Jerusalem. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 22. Examiners: Rosh Hayeshiva Hagaon R' Yehoshua Eichenstein, the mashgiach Hagaon R' Yisrael Meir Hamnick and Hagaon R' Akiva Kister.

• Mishkan Asher Yeshiva in Jerusalem, the branch of Yad Aharon. Accepted to Shiur Aleph: 22. The examiner Hagaon R' Yehoshua Eichenstein.

• The one who has been leading the list for tens of years, is Kochav Miyaakov – Tshebin Yeshiva, where more than 250 were tested, and 45 were accepted. After the Yomim Tovim 30 bochurim from overseas will join Shiur Aleph. This year Hagaon R' Avraham Ganchovsky did not sit in the team of examiners because of his medical weakness (R' Avraham ben Gita, for Refuah Shleima). It should be mentioned that a special room has been built for him, where he stays throughout the week, A room within a room was built so that the Gr"a would not open the door to anyone who knocks. For the first time both in Shiur Aleph and as Magid Shiur Harav Hagaon R' Yisrael Shneiorson, son of the Rosh Yeshiva, Hagry"m Shneiorson and son in law of the head of Yeshiva, Hagr"n Shneorson, will serve.

• Amala shel Torah Yeshiva. 200 were tested and 40 were accepted to Shiur Aleph. Hagr"a Weinberg, who served as Magid Shiur in Shiur aleph, will continue to serve as Magid Shiur of Gimel in the Yeshiva Ketana "Darkei Torah".

• In Tshechnov Yeshiva which opened a few years ago, 30 bochurim were accepted. The entire Kibutz is moving to Yeshivas Mir as a result of lack of space in the Yeshiva's building.

• A new Yeshiva which opened with the start of Zman Elul, is ahavat Hatorah, under the directorship and leadership of Harav Hatzadik R' Zvi Meir Zilberbeg, headed by Hagaon R' Yaakov Yitzchak Meizlish. There are 20 Talmidim, The yeshiva is located in Romema, Jerusalem, in a building which was previously the building of Yeshiva Ketana of Mishkan Shlomo, which moved to the building of Novardok Yeshiva, and closed a while ago.

• A yeshiva which is starting its second year is Yeshivas Tiferes Hatorah in Ramot, headed by Gab"d Eda Hareidis, Hagry"t Weiss. The yeshiva made an agreement with the kehilla of Keren Ohr, Breslev, headed by Hagry"m Shechter, and received 8 excellent bochurim to Shiur Aleph.

• In Sha'arei Torah Yeshiva, 45 were accepted to Shiur Aleph. The yeshiva is located in the building of the Sadigora institutions on Shmuel Hanavi street, Jerusalem.

• Chayei Moshe Yeshiva headed by Hagr"n Nusboim with 45 bochurim in Shiur Aleph. It should be mentioned that Hagr"d Miller who serves as Magid Shiur in Ponevez Yeshiva, is leaving the Yeshiva, and instead Harav Auerbach from Beitar has been appointed.

• 40 bochurim were accepted for Shiur Aleph to Yeshivas Toras Chaim in Jerusalem, headed by Hagaon R' Dov Weiss.

• In Avnei Nezer – Sochatchov Yeshiva, the following Rabbonim will join the staff: the mashgiach Harav Ben Zion Englander, and the Magidei Shiurim Hagaon R' Yisrael Schwarz, Rav of Tel Zion, and Hagaon R' Aharon Shmuel Lemberger son of Gab"d Makowa.

• Yeshivas Oraisa, headed by Hagr"c Shmerler, is lately picking up speed, and tens of bochurim from the Kibutz have started joining it. The Yeshiva has moved from its location on Shamgar street in the area of Kaduri as a result of the destruction of the buildings.

• What seems to be one of the central places of klal-chassidishe bochurim is Yeshivas Mir, in which there are large Chaburos of chassidishe bochurim, from Israel and abroad. The Rosh Yeshiva, Hagra"y Finkel, has a special liking for the chassidishe group, and they come to his home to hear chaburos and va'adim. In addition, an active "mashpia" is Harav Hatzadik R' Yosef Nechemya Hirshler, who davens shacharis with the bochurim. There are many shulls in the area of the Yeshiva, where Sdarim of learning and special frameworks are held for the bochurim.
Elul Yeshiva world Special Project
להצטרפות לקבוצת הווטסאפ של 'בחדרי חרדים'
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