כ"ו טבת התשפ"ה


Neve Yaakov conquered too: last secular school closed down

Neve Yaakov joins its neighbors in northern Jerusalem - and becomes hareidi • According to the registry of the Jerusalem Municipality, the last secular school in the neighborhood, has no justification

Yonah Shuv, Behadrey Haredim 01.01.13

Dwek case: a year in prison for Rabbi Lobel Schwartz

Rabbi Lobel Schwartz, a resident of Brooklyn, aged 61, was sent by the federal court for a one year prison sentence for his involvement in money laundering • Schwartz turned in by Shlomo Dwek in the 'Deal' case

Yaki Adamker, B'Chadrei Charedim 30.12.12

Visitors wearing kippas visit churches • New phenomenon?

Religious and hareidim who participated in a ceremony in the church in Beit Shemesh - caused an uproar • Is this a phenomenon? • Activist against missionaries: "This is a phenomenon that exists

Yaki Admaker, Behadrey Haredim 27.12.12

דחייה של עתירת אייכלר בועדת הבחירות

מנוסח ההחלטה: אין בידי כמובן להכריע.... באשר לנכונות הפרטים במחלוקת, בוודאי לא ברמת ההוכחה הגבוהה והמובהקת הנדרשת מן המבקש פסילה, כדי שעל פניהם יצדיקו הדברים נקיטה בצעד של צו מניעה

שרי רוט 27.12.12

"I did not feel like a hero, the award is for the whole troop"

Corporal S., a battalion who shot to death a terrorist on the Israeli - Egypt border received an award today from the Gen. Southern Command commander • soldiers who participated in the prevention attack event in Kerem Shalom won a medal

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 25.12.12

Chassidim dedicated thousands of hours of study to the Rebbe

Kollel scholars of Seret Vizhnitz Haifa, launched a campaign for the recovery of the Rebbe: dedication of thousands of Gemara pages learned • the merit of thousands of pages learned, dedicated to the Rebbe for his recovery

Shlomo Greenberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 25.12.12

Tragedy in Williamsburg: woman of 38 died of infection

Reiza Mirtza Gutman a"h, a resident of Williamsburg, felt ill - and was hospitalized • doctors fought for her life for a week • left behind seven orphans - the youngest only a month old

Yoel Bittleman, Behadrey Haredim 25.12.12

Consulted Hgray"l: Yeshiva or university?

Otzar Hatorah students in Paris came to Hgray"l during a week-long visit to the country • they consulted with him if to continue to the yeshiva or attend university • what did Hgray"l tell them about the Chazon Ish?

Shlomo Greenberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 24.12.12