The son of the Ruzhin Rosh Yeshiva • Hrh"ch Reb Yisrael Brim zt"l
In Hadassah Ein Kerem, Jerusalem, Hrh"ch Reb Yisrael Brim zt"l passed away following an illness at the age of 65, he was a senior Boyan chassid in Beitar Illit • son of Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Brim zt"l
- Moshe Weisberg, B'Chadrei Charedim
- י"ט טבת התשע"ג

Baruch Dayan Haemes: Yesterday (Sunday) Hrh"ch Reb Yisrael Brim zt"l passed away at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem, at the age of 65, after suffering a rare disease many years ago. He was a senior Boyan chassid and elder of the community in Beitar Illit. All his life he was a hero with the disease, and was hospitalized many times in hospitals in Israel and abroad.
The deceased was born in Israel on ד' תשרי תש"ח, to his father Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Brim zt"l, Rosh Yeshiva Tifereth Yisrael - Ruzhin, and his mother, Rivka.
His father the Rosh Yeshiva was very fond of him, and always repeated his Divrei Torah. The deceased was a Boyan chassid with all his heart and soul, a superlative talmid chacham, who taught the Torah of the Rebbes of Ruzhin to the younger generation. He was close to the elders in the chassidus, whom he heard facts from - and passed them on.
He was a melamed for dozens of years at the Talmud Torah Tashb"r and Torat Emet in Bnei Brak, and later on in the Talmud Torah Maaneh Simcha Bobov and Ittri in Jerusalem.
He smiled to everyone, he brought up hundreds of students who he taught to Torah and Yiras Shamayim, and was an extraordinary figure in his behavior.
19 years ago he moved with his family to Beitar Illit.
He left a beautiful generation after him; 9 children who are all married.
The shiva as being held at his home, on 13 Elazar Hamodai Street in Beitar Illit.
The deceased was born in Israel on ד' תשרי תש"ח, to his father Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Brim zt"l, Rosh Yeshiva Tifereth Yisrael - Ruzhin, and his mother, Rivka.
His father the Rosh Yeshiva was very fond of him, and always repeated his Divrei Torah. The deceased was a Boyan chassid with all his heart and soul, a superlative talmid chacham, who taught the Torah of the Rebbes of Ruzhin to the younger generation. He was close to the elders in the chassidus, whom he heard facts from - and passed them on.
He was a melamed for dozens of years at the Talmud Torah Tashb"r and Torat Emet in Bnei Brak, and later on in the Talmud Torah Maaneh Simcha Bobov and Ittri in Jerusalem.
He smiled to everyone, he brought up hundreds of students who he taught to Torah and Yiras Shamayim, and was an extraordinary figure in his behavior.
19 years ago he moved with his family to Beitar Illit.
He left a beautiful generation after him; 9 children who are all married.
The shiva as being held at his home, on 13 Elazar Hamodai Street in Beitar Illit.
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