Hungarian Jews to boycott events marking Holocaust
Hungary is planning a series of events marking 70 years since the Holocaust • Jewish community may boycott the event in protest against anti-Semitism
- Yonah Shub, Behadrey Haredim
- כ"א שבט התשע"ד

Photo: Flash 90
Hungarian Jews protest: the Hungarian Jewish community officials say they would boycott Holocaust memorial events due to anti-Semitism.
Marking the 70th anniversary of the transfer of 437 thousand Hungarian Jews to the death camps, the Hungarian government is planning a series of events in their memory.
But as a protest against rising anti-Semitism in the country, community leaders plan to boycott these events.
Hungarian Prime Minister appeared before in the Jewish Congress and declared a "zero tolerance for anti-Semitism" and said that the growth of the phenomenon is due, in part, to the economic situation in the country.
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