"Mediation Committee" in Ramat Shlomo: to avoid conflicts
Exposure • Gedolei Yisroel issued a call for residents of Ramat Shlomo in Jerusalem, prior to the approval of the local CBP change: discuss the objections and disputes between neighbors - only in 'mediation committee'
- Yaki Admaker, Behadrey Haredim
- כ' טבת התשע"ג

Ramat Shlomo. Photo: Yaakov Nahumi
Gedolei Yisroel issued a call to the residents of Ramat Shlomo in Jerusalem: as part of the approval process of the local CBP change, this week Gedolei Yisroel signed a letter in which they call the residents to discuss the objections and disputes between neighbors - only in the mediation committee, which was established for this purpose.
First some technical details: In recent weeks there is advancement in the CBP change approval process in the neighborhood Ramat Shlomo. An extended team of architects is finishing updating the construction plans, according to the district planning committee in Jerusalem. The district architect also held a meeting with the commission of the administration and committee of residents, and currently the program enters its final stretch before the consideration of the committee.
At this point a program that includes some streets - Lubavitcher Rebbe, Klonymus, Harav Lopian, Harav Zolti and Sadigura Rebbe, will be discussed. With the approval of the Committee on the deposit of the plan for discussion, the administration is expected to conduct an informational conference, to which the residents living in this area will be invited. These plans will be presented to the public and comprehensive information about the process will be given.
To avoid objections and disputes between neighbors which might occur while expanding their apartments, a Mediation Committee was established. 22 mediators, residents of the neighborhood who were professionally trained, will serve as mediators in the neighborhood with the application of the program.
As mentioned, last week Gedolei Yisroel and rabbonim of the neighborhood signed a 'Call' to residents to discuss in mediation committee, in case of dispute about construction. Some of the signatories of the letter are Hag"r Aharon Leib Steinman, Hgr"n Karelitz, Hag"r Chaim Knivsky, Hgr"o Joseph, Hagr"s Auerbach and rabbis of the neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo. They wrote as such:
"One may G-d forbid, arrive at differences of opinion or disputes among neighbors. And if there are objections all will lose out as a result by the rejection of plans or delay in time. Therefore there have been mediation committees established by us together with the Community Center of the neighborhood composed of experts of the best and important people of the neighborhood, who will represent all the communities, and will discuss and resolve disagreements in a good spirit and for the best, in peace and tranquility."
Ezra Berger, director of the Community Center, Ramat Shlomo, told Behadrey Haredim: "We have the merit that residents are living in peace and tranquility in complete unity among all communities and circles, which even prevented communal administration elections recently, unlike most neighborhoods in Jerusalem.
"Nevertheless, it was decided in consultation with the Gedolei Yisroel on the establishment of a mediation center, towards the building extensions for the neighborhood, in order to prevent disputes between residents that may be due to construction."
First some technical details: In recent weeks there is advancement in the CBP change approval process in the neighborhood Ramat Shlomo. An extended team of architects is finishing updating the construction plans, according to the district planning committee in Jerusalem. The district architect also held a meeting with the commission of the administration and committee of residents, and currently the program enters its final stretch before the consideration of the committee.
At this point a program that includes some streets - Lubavitcher Rebbe, Klonymus, Harav Lopian, Harav Zolti and Sadigura Rebbe, will be discussed. With the approval of the Committee on the deposit of the plan for discussion, the administration is expected to conduct an informational conference, to which the residents living in this area will be invited. These plans will be presented to the public and comprehensive information about the process will be given.
To avoid objections and disputes between neighbors which might occur while expanding their apartments, a Mediation Committee was established. 22 mediators, residents of the neighborhood who were professionally trained, will serve as mediators in the neighborhood with the application of the program.
As mentioned, last week Gedolei Yisroel and rabbonim of the neighborhood signed a 'Call' to residents to discuss in mediation committee, in case of dispute about construction. Some of the signatories of the letter are Hag"r Aharon Leib Steinman, Hgr"n Karelitz, Hag"r Chaim Knivsky, Hgr"o Joseph, Hagr"s Auerbach and rabbis of the neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo. They wrote as such:
"One may G-d forbid, arrive at differences of opinion or disputes among neighbors. And if there are objections all will lose out as a result by the rejection of plans or delay in time. Therefore there have been mediation committees established by us together with the Community Center of the neighborhood composed of experts of the best and important people of the neighborhood, who will represent all the communities, and will discuss and resolve disagreements in a good spirit and for the best, in peace and tranquility."
Ezra Berger, director of the Community Center, Ramat Shlomo, told Behadrey Haredim: "We have the merit that residents are living in peace and tranquility in complete unity among all communities and circles, which even prevented communal administration elections recently, unlike most neighborhoods in Jerusalem.
"Nevertheless, it was decided in consultation with the Gedolei Yisroel on the establishment of a mediation center, towards the building extensions for the neighborhood, in order to prevent disputes between residents that may be due to construction."
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