Doshinsky against the Sikriks: "Just like in Sedom"
Hgr"a Aufman, Mo"tz of Doshinsky, launched an unprecedented attack against the associates of Gab"d who published leaflets against Rab"d • "Marginal camp determined to destroy our community"
- Moshe Weisberg, B'Chadrei Charedim
- כ"ב חשון התשע"ג

Doshinsky attack the Sikriks.
Rabbi Amram Aufman, a Doshinsky Mot"z, spoke at Seuda Shlishit last Shabbos in the Great Beit Midrash Hall of Hasidism, on Shmuel Hanavi Street in Jerusalem, during which he severely attacked the Sikrik group, including those close to Av Beit Din, Eidah Charedi, Hgri"t Weiss, who scattered posters against Rab"d Eidah Charedi, Reb Moshe Sternbuch.
Rabbi Aufman quoted the Gemara in Sotah: "Beware of the Pharisees hypocrites who are similar to those spread afar and their actions are the actions of Zimri and request a reward like Pinchas."
"Unfortunately," said Rabbi Aufman, "Lately the edge of the camp are determined to destroy and swallow anything holy by destroying the fortress wall of our holy community, and dare to call their actions for the sake of heaven and although their necks are elevated they hold a double-edged sword in their hands, as the verse says "and the men of Sodom were evil and sinful to G-d."
"Several years ago, in the seventh year, they dared to strive underground against the 'Eideh' and last week dared again to abase the respectful Rabbis of the Badatz in a spiteful letter, etc., and since Rabbis in exile cannot see the reality of things and certainly their intention is to L'shem shamayim, but those are margins of the camp ".
His remarks provoked a storm amongst Doshinsky chassidim, since Hgr"a Aufman is known as one of the extreme rabbis in the Eideh, belonging to the rabbis of the organizations 'camp purity' and 'modesty preservation'.
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