"Yom Kippurim Ze". The holy day in Chazros Hakodesh and Yeshivos. Special project.
Who went up first as Shatz in Belz? For how much was Maftir Yonah sold in Viznitz? What "mi sheberach" did Hagry"l Shteinman make? And for whom did Hagr"o Yosef make a hashkava prayer? Why were the ba'alei Tefilla exchanged in Ponevez? Behadrey Haredim presents: summary of Yom Kippur in the different chassidus centers, at Gedolei Yisroel and in the Yeshiva world
- Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim
- י"ב תשרי התשע"ג
- 1 תגובות

אנשיל בק
• In the Gur chassidus: the Rebbe came into him home during Mussaf for a long while. In Seder Ha'avodah the Rebbe did not agree to sit, and the Shatz, Harav Avrohom Nachum Lev shortened and hurried to finish the Seder Ha'avodah. In 'Korim' - the sons of the Rebbe, R' Nechemya and R' Yisroel Menachem. Mussaf ended at 12:55 and afterwards there was a break of about 3 hours until Mincha and Neila.
The Chazanim at Gur: Kol Nidrei, Maariv and Shachris – R' Shaul Borzikovsky. Psukey Dezimra – Harav Avorohom Shraga Rosemarin. Mussaf and Neila – Harav Avrohom Nachum Lev. On Motzaei Yom Kipur the Rebbe went onto the bima and benched the Chassidim with "A gut Yom Tov".
• In the Belz chassidus: for Shachris the son of the Belzer Rebbe went up first – Harav Hatzadik R' Aharon Mordechai Rokach, after the fixed Ba'al Tefilla the Mashpia Hagaon Hatzadik R' Yaakov Mordechai Hager, during Chazaras Hashatz, Hagaon R' Yisroel Ernster, mashgiach of the Viznitz Yeshiva went up, and for Mincha Harav Yaakov Shimshon Ernster went up. During the last decade, a bima for Krias Hatorah wasn't built since the Rebbet zt"l had a big bima built on which he sat and on which they read Krias Hatorah. They did not make a bima and the place was used for more seats in the Beis Midrash. Instead, the Bima of the Rebbe was used, but since it was smaller than usual, they read on the Rebbe's stender.
• In the Viznitz chassidus: on Erev Chag the Rebbetzin of Viznitz handed out honey cakes to the Chassidim in the Rebbe's home in Merkaz Chassidei Viznitz. The tradition in Viznitz started since the days of the Rebbetzin a"h, wife of the Imrei Chaim who handed out cakes as the tradition of the Tshernobil-Rachmastrivke chassidus.
At the tisch on Erev Chag the Rebbe sang the song "Golus golus" mentioning that his father the Rebbe sang this Nigun on the first year following the ptirah of the Imrei Chaim.
The Viznitzer Rebbe was Shatz at Kol Nidrei, for Adon Olam – Harav Chaim Meir Hager, grandson of the Rebbe of Antania, and for Shir Hakavod – Harav Shimshon Ernster. The Aliya of Cohen at Mincha was purchased by the Nagid Harav Naftali Tesler from the USA for $7,000, the aliya of Levi was bought by the Nagid Pinki Stein from Montreal for $5,000, and Maftir Yonah was bought by the Nagid Harav Chaim Stern from Queens for $13,5000. The Hagbaha was bought by attorney Shmuel Appel at $2,500, Glilah by Harav Dovid Arye Galizki from Tzfat at $2,000, Neila ended 8 minutes before the time, and thereafter the Rebbe made havdolah and a short tisch for the guests from overseas at his home.
• At the Tzanz chassidus: on the night of Yom Kippur, during saying the piyut of Salachti, the Tzanzer Rebbe went up to the Aron Kodesh at the large Beis Midrash and wept in tears for about 10 minutes.
• At Boyan chassidus: this year for the first time, there was no Birkas Cohanim at Neila after the shkia, in contrast to previous years, according to the instruction of the Rebbe.
• In Slonim chassidus: this year two gabboim were appointed to the Beis Midrash of the chassidus on Salant street in Jerusalem, Harav Nachum Verhaftig and Harav Nachum Bernsterin who brought in many novelties. This year a special staircase was built for the Rebbe and new air conditioners were fixed in the hall of the Beis Midrash.
• In the Erloy chassidus: before Kol Nidrei the Rebbe said a Torah for a long time, as well as before Neila. The Rebbe even served as Chazan at Neila. Thereafter, he made havdola and a tisch of the end of the Yom Tov in the hall of tisches of the chassidus in Katammon, Jerusalem.
• At the Nadvorna chassidus in Kiryat Nadvorna, Bnei Brak: the Rebbe was Shatz at all the tefillos from Kol Nidrei to Neila. The son of the Rebbe – Harav Chaim Mordechai Rosenboim went up for the first time to daven Mincha since his father was appointed as Rebbe. During saying the three piyutim on Yom Kippur night, his brothers in law were honored with saying the part of "Yaale" - Harav Hatzadik R' Zalman Shapira, with the part of "Omnam Ken" Harav H atzadik R' Asher Anshil Katz, with the part of "Ki hine Kachomer" - Harav Hatzadik R' Naftali Sheinbalg, and with "Vechol Ma'aminim" - Harav Chaim Mordechai Rosenboim – the eldest son of the Rebbe. The nagid R' Yitzchok Toib bought Maftir Yonah for the Rebbe at $10,000. As "Ba'al Makri" for Tekia Gedola – Rosh Yeshiva of Nadvorna Harav Hatzadik R' Shalom Aharon Ashkenazi. Neila ended about 15 minutes after the time of Rabeinu Tam at 7:00. Afterwards, the Rebbe had his meal of after the fast with the guests of the chassidus from overseas.
• At Kretchnif: in Rechovot, the Rebbe finished the tefilla together with hundreds of his Chassidim at 7:20.
• At Toldos Aharon: this year for the first time an old tune which was renewed was sung at Kol Nidrei, with the Rebbe serving as Shatz, on Motzaei Yom Kippur the Rebbe holds a Tisch accompanied by an orchestra and a choir of the chassidus.
• At the Modzitz Chassidus: On Yom Kippur night besides the ten nigunim which the Rebbe composed for the Yomim Noraim, the Rebbe composed a new nigun on the spot for the Piyut "Ki Anu Amecha". Tonight the Rebbe held the Tisch of the end of Yom Kippur at the Beis Midrash on Chavakuk street in Bnei Brak accompanied by an orchestra and choir of the chassidus.
• At the chassidus of Shomrei Emunim in Bnei Brak: before Kol Nidrei the Rebbe gave a speech of chizuk and mentioned his father whose day of "shloshim" fell last Friday.
• At the Sasov chassidus: before saying Kol Nidrei, the Rebbe gave a chizuk talk. This year, they davened at Sasov with a new Machzor which was published this year, a Machzor with the kavonos of the Ohr Ne'elam of the Ari Hakadosh zi"a, which was written by the Rebbe Shabtai from Rashkov zt"l. The Machzor was printed a new and revised by the Rebbe with every single piyut ordered in its place and properly.
• Hagry"l Shteinman davened only in his home on 5 Chazon Ish street in Bnei Brak, together with a Minyan of more than 50 people. When he went up to the Torah for Maftir on Shachris and Maftir Yonah on Mincha, he held a "mi sheberach" for the public of mispalelim, and added that he is also making a mi sheberach for Klal Yisroel. Before Neila the mispalelim came to get a broach of A Gut Yahr". On Motzaei Yom Kippur Hagry"l had a Kidush Levana in his yard.
• Hagr"o Yosef davened in the shull underneath his home on Hakablan streen in Har Nof, Jerusalem, over Yom Kippur Hagr"o served as sandak.
With the opening of the hall in Kol Nidrei, Hagr"o held a "ashkava" for Hagry"s Eliashiv zt"l as well as a mi sheberach for his son Hagaon R' Yaakov Yosef. Before Neila he talked for 20 minutes, a longer time than any previous year, and talked at length about the issue of learning Torah that each one will take upon himself to learn, for Torah protects and saves one. The shull was packed since the price of places was cheap, at a price of 150 shekel for Yom Kippur. Maftir Yonah was bought for Hagr"o at 26,000 shekels, and the opening of the Ark at Neila at 30,000 shekel. As on every year, Hagr"o stopped the davening at 9:00 am and asked parents who have little children up to the age of 9 to make sure that they go and drink.
• Hagr"s Wazner before Kol Nidrei, gave a talk at the hall of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin in Bnei Brak, during the talk he mentioned many of Gedolei Yisroel and Rebbes who were niftar during the past year. Among them Hagry"s Eliashiv, hagrc"p Sheinberg, Hagrn"z Finkel and the Rebbes of Viznitz, Nadvorna and Shomrei Emunim.
• Hagr"c Kanievsky: as was reported on Erev Yom Kippur in Behadrey Haredim, a special bridge was built for Hagr"c from his home to the Lederman shull, which made it substantially easier for him to walk in the fast.
• Hagr"s Auerbach davened at the Maalos Hatorah Yeshiva. On Yom Kippur, he turned 82 years old. As on every year, his most important talmidim came in to him to wish him Mazal Tov.
• Hagrm"z Bergman gave words of chizuk after Kol Nidrei. Thereafter, he said two chapters of Tehillim for the first time, as a result of the hard situation.
• Hagrb"d Povarsky, Rosh Yeshiva of Ponevez, hosted in his home on Yom Kippur the two rich brothers Yosel and Kalman Tabak, who davened at the Ponevez Yeshiva.
• Hagr"m Gross davened at the Beis Midrash of Chanichei Hayeshivos on Hagr"a street in Bnei Brak, where the Simcha for the Bris of his grandson – son of his son in law, Harav Birenzweig, Hagr"m Gross served as Sandak at the Bris.
• The Ponevez Yeshiva in Bnei Brak: after more than twenty years, the Ba'alei Tefilla at Kol Nidrei were changed – the Mashgiach Hagaon R' Eliyahu Eliezer Desler davened as shatz at Maa'riv, instead of the Mashgiach Hagaon R' Aharon Zeev Grossbard who has become weak and his voice is not heard in the hall of the Yeshiva.
• Slabodka Yeshiva in Bnei Brak: a Shabbos lift was inaugurated for the Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Amram Zaks, who, as known, has recently become weaker. The new lift workds in a special method and not by electricity, since the Poskim have a machlokes regarding whether it is permissible to use it on Shabbos and Yom Tov. The lift works by means of an air pump. A donor who wishes to stay anonymous donated the lift.
• At the Kiryas Melech Yeshiva: after the hospitalization of Hagrs"y Bornstein – the Rosh Yeshiva, on the eve of Yom Kippur, the Rosh Yeshiva Hagr"s Kanievsky davened Neila, after his father Hagr"c gave him a psak that he can daven within the year of mourning for his mother, the Rebbetzin a"h. in the middle of Neila, R' Shlomo stopped and asked for someone to take over, since he felt weak. Hagrs"y stayed in Tel Hashomer with a few talmidim, among the Harav Avraham Yeshaya Finzel head of Talmud Torah Chochmas Shlomo in Jerusalem. For Neila, Hagrs"y went up at hospital.
• In Knesset Yitzchak in Chedera: immediately at the end of Yom Kippur, a special Seder of Limud of two hours was held for Iluy Neshama of Hagaon R' Moshe Geffen zt"l, one of the Roshei Yeshiva who was killed last year the day after Yom Kippur in a tragic train accident. Immediately after the Seder, a Siyum Hashas was held for his iluy neshama, and some of the bochurim stayed up to learn the whole night.
• At Orchos Torah Yeshiva in Bnei Brak: the bochurim stay on Motzaei Yom Kippur at the Yeshiva to learn "mishmar" the whole night, the next morning they daven at the Yeshiva and go home.
• At Ohr Elchonon Yeshiva in Jerusalem: as on every year, a fixed shiur took place on Motzaei Yom Kippur with Hagaon R' Osher Weiss, gab"d of Darchei Torah, with the participation of the yeshiva bochurim and its alumni, as well as the Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Moshe Mordechai Chodosh.
The Chazanim at Gur: Kol Nidrei, Maariv and Shachris – R' Shaul Borzikovsky. Psukey Dezimra – Harav Avorohom Shraga Rosemarin. Mussaf and Neila – Harav Avrohom Nachum Lev. On Motzaei Yom Kipur the Rebbe went onto the bima and benched the Chassidim with "A gut Yom Tov".
• In the Belz chassidus: for Shachris the son of the Belzer Rebbe went up first – Harav Hatzadik R' Aharon Mordechai Rokach, after the fixed Ba'al Tefilla the Mashpia Hagaon Hatzadik R' Yaakov Mordechai Hager, during Chazaras Hashatz, Hagaon R' Yisroel Ernster, mashgiach of the Viznitz Yeshiva went up, and for Mincha Harav Yaakov Shimshon Ernster went up. During the last decade, a bima for Krias Hatorah wasn't built since the Rebbet zt"l had a big bima built on which he sat and on which they read Krias Hatorah. They did not make a bima and the place was used for more seats in the Beis Midrash. Instead, the Bima of the Rebbe was used, but since it was smaller than usual, they read on the Rebbe's stender.
• In the Viznitz chassidus: on Erev Chag the Rebbetzin of Viznitz handed out honey cakes to the Chassidim in the Rebbe's home in Merkaz Chassidei Viznitz. The tradition in Viznitz started since the days of the Rebbetzin a"h, wife of the Imrei Chaim who handed out cakes as the tradition of the Tshernobil-Rachmastrivke chassidus.
At the tisch on Erev Chag the Rebbe sang the song "Golus golus" mentioning that his father the Rebbe sang this Nigun on the first year following the ptirah of the Imrei Chaim.
The Viznitzer Rebbe was Shatz at Kol Nidrei, for Adon Olam – Harav Chaim Meir Hager, grandson of the Rebbe of Antania, and for Shir Hakavod – Harav Shimshon Ernster. The Aliya of Cohen at Mincha was purchased by the Nagid Harav Naftali Tesler from the USA for $7,000, the aliya of Levi was bought by the Nagid Pinki Stein from Montreal for $5,000, and Maftir Yonah was bought by the Nagid Harav Chaim Stern from Queens for $13,5000. The Hagbaha was bought by attorney Shmuel Appel at $2,500, Glilah by Harav Dovid Arye Galizki from Tzfat at $2,000, Neila ended 8 minutes before the time, and thereafter the Rebbe made havdolah and a short tisch for the guests from overseas at his home.
• At the Tzanz chassidus: on the night of Yom Kippur, during saying the piyut of Salachti, the Tzanzer Rebbe went up to the Aron Kodesh at the large Beis Midrash and wept in tears for about 10 minutes.
• At Boyan chassidus: this year for the first time, there was no Birkas Cohanim at Neila after the shkia, in contrast to previous years, according to the instruction of the Rebbe.
• In Slonim chassidus: this year two gabboim were appointed to the Beis Midrash of the chassidus on Salant street in Jerusalem, Harav Nachum Verhaftig and Harav Nachum Bernsterin who brought in many novelties. This year a special staircase was built for the Rebbe and new air conditioners were fixed in the hall of the Beis Midrash.
• In the Erloy chassidus: before Kol Nidrei the Rebbe said a Torah for a long time, as well as before Neila. The Rebbe even served as Chazan at Neila. Thereafter, he made havdola and a tisch of the end of the Yom Tov in the hall of tisches of the chassidus in Katammon, Jerusalem.
• At the Nadvorna chassidus in Kiryat Nadvorna, Bnei Brak: the Rebbe was Shatz at all the tefillos from Kol Nidrei to Neila. The son of the Rebbe – Harav Chaim Mordechai Rosenboim went up for the first time to daven Mincha since his father was appointed as Rebbe. During saying the three piyutim on Yom Kippur night, his brothers in law were honored with saying the part of "Yaale" - Harav Hatzadik R' Zalman Shapira, with the part of "Omnam Ken" Harav H atzadik R' Asher Anshil Katz, with the part of "Ki hine Kachomer" - Harav Hatzadik R' Naftali Sheinbalg, and with "Vechol Ma'aminim" - Harav Chaim Mordechai Rosenboim – the eldest son of the Rebbe. The nagid R' Yitzchok Toib bought Maftir Yonah for the Rebbe at $10,000. As "Ba'al Makri" for Tekia Gedola – Rosh Yeshiva of Nadvorna Harav Hatzadik R' Shalom Aharon Ashkenazi. Neila ended about 15 minutes after the time of Rabeinu Tam at 7:00. Afterwards, the Rebbe had his meal of after the fast with the guests of the chassidus from overseas.
• At Kretchnif: in Rechovot, the Rebbe finished the tefilla together with hundreds of his Chassidim at 7:20.
• At Toldos Aharon: this year for the first time an old tune which was renewed was sung at Kol Nidrei, with the Rebbe serving as Shatz, on Motzaei Yom Kippur the Rebbe holds a Tisch accompanied by an orchestra and a choir of the chassidus.
• At the Modzitz Chassidus: On Yom Kippur night besides the ten nigunim which the Rebbe composed for the Yomim Noraim, the Rebbe composed a new nigun on the spot for the Piyut "Ki Anu Amecha". Tonight the Rebbe held the Tisch of the end of Yom Kippur at the Beis Midrash on Chavakuk street in Bnei Brak accompanied by an orchestra and choir of the chassidus.
• At the chassidus of Shomrei Emunim in Bnei Brak: before Kol Nidrei the Rebbe gave a speech of chizuk and mentioned his father whose day of "shloshim" fell last Friday.
• At the Sasov chassidus: before saying Kol Nidrei, the Rebbe gave a chizuk talk. This year, they davened at Sasov with a new Machzor which was published this year, a Machzor with the kavonos of the Ohr Ne'elam of the Ari Hakadosh zi"a, which was written by the Rebbe Shabtai from Rashkov zt"l. The Machzor was printed a new and revised by the Rebbe with every single piyut ordered in its place and properly.
• Hagry"l Shteinman davened only in his home on 5 Chazon Ish street in Bnei Brak, together with a Minyan of more than 50 people. When he went up to the Torah for Maftir on Shachris and Maftir Yonah on Mincha, he held a "mi sheberach" for the public of mispalelim, and added that he is also making a mi sheberach for Klal Yisroel. Before Neila the mispalelim came to get a broach of A Gut Yahr". On Motzaei Yom Kippur Hagry"l had a Kidush Levana in his yard.
• Hagr"o Yosef davened in the shull underneath his home on Hakablan streen in Har Nof, Jerusalem, over Yom Kippur Hagr"o served as sandak.
With the opening of the hall in Kol Nidrei, Hagr"o held a "ashkava" for Hagry"s Eliashiv zt"l as well as a mi sheberach for his son Hagaon R' Yaakov Yosef. Before Neila he talked for 20 minutes, a longer time than any previous year, and talked at length about the issue of learning Torah that each one will take upon himself to learn, for Torah protects and saves one. The shull was packed since the price of places was cheap, at a price of 150 shekel for Yom Kippur. Maftir Yonah was bought for Hagr"o at 26,000 shekels, and the opening of the Ark at Neila at 30,000 shekel. As on every year, Hagr"o stopped the davening at 9:00 am and asked parents who have little children up to the age of 9 to make sure that they go and drink.
• Hagr"s Wazner before Kol Nidrei, gave a talk at the hall of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin in Bnei Brak, during the talk he mentioned many of Gedolei Yisroel and Rebbes who were niftar during the past year. Among them Hagry"s Eliashiv, hagrc"p Sheinberg, Hagrn"z Finkel and the Rebbes of Viznitz, Nadvorna and Shomrei Emunim.
• Hagr"c Kanievsky: as was reported on Erev Yom Kippur in Behadrey Haredim, a special bridge was built for Hagr"c from his home to the Lederman shull, which made it substantially easier for him to walk in the fast.
• Hagr"s Auerbach davened at the Maalos Hatorah Yeshiva. On Yom Kippur, he turned 82 years old. As on every year, his most important talmidim came in to him to wish him Mazal Tov.
• Hagrm"z Bergman gave words of chizuk after Kol Nidrei. Thereafter, he said two chapters of Tehillim for the first time, as a result of the hard situation.
• Hagrb"d Povarsky, Rosh Yeshiva of Ponevez, hosted in his home on Yom Kippur the two rich brothers Yosel and Kalman Tabak, who davened at the Ponevez Yeshiva.
• Hagr"m Gross davened at the Beis Midrash of Chanichei Hayeshivos on Hagr"a street in Bnei Brak, where the Simcha for the Bris of his grandson – son of his son in law, Harav Birenzweig, Hagr"m Gross served as Sandak at the Bris.
• The Ponevez Yeshiva in Bnei Brak: after more than twenty years, the Ba'alei Tefilla at Kol Nidrei were changed – the Mashgiach Hagaon R' Eliyahu Eliezer Desler davened as shatz at Maa'riv, instead of the Mashgiach Hagaon R' Aharon Zeev Grossbard who has become weak and his voice is not heard in the hall of the Yeshiva.
• Slabodka Yeshiva in Bnei Brak: a Shabbos lift was inaugurated for the Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Amram Zaks, who, as known, has recently become weaker. The new lift workds in a special method and not by electricity, since the Poskim have a machlokes regarding whether it is permissible to use it on Shabbos and Yom Tov. The lift works by means of an air pump. A donor who wishes to stay anonymous donated the lift.
• At the Kiryas Melech Yeshiva: after the hospitalization of Hagrs"y Bornstein – the Rosh Yeshiva, on the eve of Yom Kippur, the Rosh Yeshiva Hagr"s Kanievsky davened Neila, after his father Hagr"c gave him a psak that he can daven within the year of mourning for his mother, the Rebbetzin a"h. in the middle of Neila, R' Shlomo stopped and asked for someone to take over, since he felt weak. Hagrs"y stayed in Tel Hashomer with a few talmidim, among the Harav Avraham Yeshaya Finzel head of Talmud Torah Chochmas Shlomo in Jerusalem. For Neila, Hagrs"y went up at hospital.
• In Knesset Yitzchak in Chedera: immediately at the end of Yom Kippur, a special Seder of Limud of two hours was held for Iluy Neshama of Hagaon R' Moshe Geffen zt"l, one of the Roshei Yeshiva who was killed last year the day after Yom Kippur in a tragic train accident. Immediately after the Seder, a Siyum Hashas was held for his iluy neshama, and some of the bochurim stayed up to learn the whole night.
• At Orchos Torah Yeshiva in Bnei Brak: the bochurim stay on Motzaei Yom Kippur at the Yeshiva to learn "mishmar" the whole night, the next morning they daven at the Yeshiva and go home.
• At Ohr Elchonon Yeshiva in Jerusalem: as on every year, a fixed shiur took place on Motzaei Yom Kippur with Hagaon R' Osher Weiss, gab"d of Darchei Torah, with the participation of the yeshiva bochurim and its alumni, as well as the Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Moshe Mordechai Chodosh.
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הגב לתגובה זו
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לכתבה זו התפרסמו 1 תגובות