Butcher Chased Mashgiach with Knife
The butcher who chased his masgicah with a large knife shared his side of the story in his hearing yesterday.
- Itzik Man
- ה' ניסן התשע"ו

On Monday Bchadrey Charedim publicized horrifying pictures of a butcher chasing his mashgiach with a butcher knife, after the later suspected the former of brining in non kosher meat. On Tuesday the butcher went for a hearing at the Ministry of Religion in Bat Yam. Below is his version of the story as he explained to Bchadrey Charedim.
Eliyahu, the aforementioned butcher explains to Bchadrey: ” This is all a misunderstanding. I did not intend to stab the masgiach! After the argument between us, he took my kashrus certification. I was in middle of cutting meat at the time. I ran out after him because I wanted to know why he had confiscated my certification. “
In response to the horrifying pictures and the words of the Mashgiach Eliyahu explains: “ This was not an attempted stabbing! The thought of hurting him never crossed my mind. Maybe he thought I was going to stab him, but in truth that was not my intention. I ran after him holding a knife only because I was in middle of cutting meat when the incident occurred!”
Harav Gabay , The head of the Kashrus supervision department of Bat Yam told Bchadrey Charedim: “ The masgiach is not going back to work in that butcher shop. The kashrus certification has been removed.”
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