Equipment Manager of Toldot Ahron, fell into the pot of soup and was severely burned
During preparations for Hoshana Raba in Toldot Aharon, the equipment manager fell into a pot of boiling soup • Testimony: "walked backwards and didn’t notice the pot"
- Eli Shlesinger
- כ"ה תשרי התשע"ה

During preparations for Hoshana Raba in Toldot Aharon in Mea Shearim in Jerusalem, a man fell into the hot soup pot, and was burned from the waist down.
The scholar was treated by rescue union drives MICU team of MDA, and evacuated in fair condition with second degree burns to the trauma room at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem.
Aaron Pamp, brother in law of the injured told behadrey haredim from the hospital: "the victim is responsible for the kitchen institutions. While giving instructions to employees we walked backwards and didn’t notice the hot soup pot behind him, he came across and fell inside.
"Here at the hospital the doctors say he has burns on 10% of his body level B, he is in extreme pain and was given sedatives."
Please pray for Aaron ben Miriam for a full recovery.

הפצוע בבית החולים

The scholar was treated by rescue union drives MICU team of MDA, and evacuated in fair condition with second degree burns to the trauma room at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem.
Aaron Pamp, brother in law of the injured told behadrey haredim from the hospital: "the victim is responsible for the kitchen institutions. While giving instructions to employees we walked backwards and didn’t notice the hot soup pot behind him, he came across and fell inside.
"Here at the hospital the doctors say he has burns on 10% of his body level B, he is in extreme pain and was given sedatives."
Please pray for Aaron ben Miriam for a full recovery.

הפצוע בבית החולים