No shame: Russian politician toasts "To the Holocaust"
So what if it is 2013 • candidate for mayor in Moscow, winning the support of the West, expressed publicly against the Jews • about the ultra-Orthodox: "dudes in fox hats and worn out garments"
- Eli Cohen, B'Chadrei Charedim
- כ' אלול התשע"ג

דוד קורן
Jews and members of other ethnic groups in the Russian capital are afraid to speak out against a candidate for the mayor of Moscow, who calls out to "full treatment" of strangers - after receiving threats to his supporters.
Russian blogger, Alexei Nevlani, bought himself many fans in Russia and in the West thanks to its war against the stubborn Russian President Vladimir Putin. Riding on the waves of popularity, Nevlani decided to run for mayor of the City of Moscow city in the elections to be held early next month.
But the fighter of corruption and calling the Protection of Democracy in Russia, it turns out, has a less known side in the West - very serious Anti-Semitic and xenophobia (hatred of foreigners) - statements that raise serious concerns among Jews and other ethnic groups in the Russian capital, could find themselves living under an anti Semitic and xenophobic mayor.
At a party dedicated to the celebration of anniversary of the newspaper "The New Times" candidate for mayor of Moscow suggested to "lift the first glass – to the life of the Holocaust," and in a post brought to his blog he calls religious Jews "dudes in fox hats and worn out garments", noting, "Whoever wants to live in Russia must become a full-fledged Russian."
Not only Jews are targeted by the liberal" blogger. In a video circulating in Moscow he calls "dark-skinned Caucasians" as ... cockroaches and notes: "Although you can kill cockroaches with a shoe, in the case of humans I would recommend a gun."
Alexei Nevlani – who regularly attends strict nationalist demonstration "Russian march" (Ruskiy Marsh) boasts his opinion on the proper treatment for foreigners and immigrants: "This is our land, and our duty to eliminate the rogues who suck our blood and eat our liver ... All immigrants are decay which destroys the Russian public, we do not need to beat anyone - anyone who bothers will be expelled with a strong hand. We need full cleansing / disinfection."
And what does Nevlani himself say concerning the claims against him?
"Dangerous art only when it is underground, however when it is in power then it is moderating," he said, noting that the mayor of Rome belongs to the neo - fascist and meanwhile, said, "There were no pogroms in place."
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