י' טבת התשפ"ה


Satmar Rebbe is Maspid Reb Yitzchak Rosenberg

The sun has set during the day in such a tragic way. Oy Vey Oy Vey. It has shaken up the heart of all of Klal Yisreal throughout the world. All the many tzedakos that he distributed will go before him, all the Tefilos said in the Beis Medresh in Williamsburg, and the many hours of Torah learning that were learned in his zechus will open the gates for him.

Moshe Weissberg 19.05.16

Profiles of the Satmar Niftarim

Harav Yitzchak Rosenberg was born in Bnei Brak. He was one of America's largest supplier of building materials. Harav Yitzchak Parness was a successful diamond dealer and was mugged half a year ago in Miami.

Moshe Weissberg 17.05.16

Update on the Satmar Tragedy

Two Chashuvim of the Satmar community of Kiryat Yoel Drowned in Haulover Beach this morning at 11:30 a.m.

Moshe Weissberg 17.05.16

Satmar Tragedy in Miami

Satmar community in shock: A group of five chassidim from Kiryat Joel who were on the beach in North Miami were pulled into the sea by a sudden rip tide. Rav Yitzchak Rosenberg, head of the Satmar community in Kiryat Yoel and businessman Rav Chaim Parnes were drowned.

Moshe Weissberg 17.05.16

Ponovezh Rosh Yeshiva Visits Lakewood

A reception was held in Lakewood yesterday in honor of Ponovezh Rosh Yeshiva and member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah , Harav Baruch Dov Povarsky. Present at the reception where the Roshei Yeshiva of Lakewood; Harav Yerucham Olshin, Harav Dovid Schustal and Harav Malkiel Kotler, as well as 100 Balei Tzedakah and tlamidim of Harav Povarski.

Eli Cohen 16.05.16

Fire in the Heart of Boro Park

Fire breaks out in a residential building in Boro Park. Dozens were rescued , one was injured.

Nili Feingold Alshich 16.05.16

New York Day School Enrollment Up

More than 143,000 students were enrolled in private Jewish schools last year in the State of New York grades full K through 12.

Gabi Tzav 15.05.16

New Jersey Zoning Lawsuit

Congregation Kollel and its land holding company filed a federal lawsuit against Howell Township and its zoning board of adjustment, claiming that its denial of its plan to build a classroom building was motivated by religious hostility.

Gabi Tzav 15.05.16

White House Approves Orthodox Liaison

The White House approved a new liaison to the Jewish community on Thursday. Chanan Weissman will be the first Orthodox Jew to hold this position during a Democratic administration.

Yoel Bitalman 13.05.16

Should America Build a Wall

Raymond Ibrahim of the Middle East Forum suggests that perhaps the U.S. really should build a wall along the Mexico border.• Rep. Duncan Hunter: "If you really want to protect Americans from ISIS, you secure the southern border. It's that simple."

Middle East Forum 12.05.16

Babies Cry: Passenegers Cheer

Anyone who has ever flown overseas with small children knows how challenging it could be. Overtired infants and tots are often irritable and difficult to deal with, leaving embarrassed parents frustrated over their inability to keep their little ones quiet. In honor of Mother's Day JetBlue documented a historic occurrence- passengers cheering every time a baby cried aboard a flight from New York to California.

Adweek 12.05.16

Yeshiva Bachur Corners Attacker

An Israeli Bachur was attacked by a group of black teens in Crown Heights on Friday. Baruch Hashem we was not injured and he managed to corner one attacker and have him arrested.

COLlive 09.05.16

Trump: Obama likes Iran better than he likes Israel

Donald Trump grants an interview to Mishpacha magazine, and address Charedi Jewry," I don't get why the Jewish community supports Obama, or why they like Hillary- I really don't. We'll create a different tone…that strengthens Israel."

Avi Greenzeig 05.05.16

Kaliver Rebbe: "Each day is it's own Yom Hashoah "

Bchadrey Charedim spoke with the Kaliver Rebbe, who has dedicated his life to the remembrance of the Kedoshei Shoah. "Listen Israel- you are close to war, and for me there is no one Holocaust Remembrance Day –each day is its own Yom Hashoah."

Itzik Man 05.05.16

Ted Cruz Suspended his Campaign

After losing Indiana to his rival, Donald Trump , Cruz Tells supporters:" …I said that I would continue on as long as there was a viable path to victory…that path has been foreclosed."

Abe Aron 04.05.16
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