י' טבת התשפ"ה


Detroit: Levaya of Rabbi Moshe Schwab

he Levaya of Harav Moshe Schwab was held yesterday evening in Detroit. The kevura will be today in Monsey. Photography by Shalom Koren

Moshe Weissberg 06.06.16

Detroit Mourns: Harav Moshe Shwab tz"l

Hagoan Harav Moshe Schwab, Rosh Kollel of Detroit's Lakewood kollel was niftar Sunday after suffering a heart attack the previous week.

Moshe Weissberg 06.06.16

A "Groisa Ber" in Fallsburg

While Safely Ensconced in their car a couple of Yiddin marvel as a large black bear makes off with a garbage bag.

Eli Cohen 05.06.16

Discrimination Against Women within Reform

With the Women of the Wall making headlines time and again one may begin to think that all these women do is try to come up with new ways to fight the Orthodox. Surprisingly these women have found something to fight about even on their home turf. In her campaign for equality Rabbi Mary Zamore led a four year battle- against the Reform movment.

Abe Aron 01.06.16

Cincinnati Zoo Kills Gorilla to Save Child

The zoo's special response team put down a 17 year old gorilla, a member of a seriously endangered species in order to save a child who fell into its enclosure.

The Chicago Tribune 29.05.16

Violent Protests Erupt Outside Trump Rally in Albuquerque

Protesters outside of Trump's Tuesday night rally in Albuquerque lit fires, smashed a door and threw rocks. Some people taunted police and jumped on police vehicles as riot police tried to move them away from the convention center's exits.

CNN 25.05.16

German Jew Sparked the Birth of Neonatology in America

In the early 1900's doctors in America did not care for premature infants. They believed that premature babies were genetically inferior "weaklings" whose fate was a matter for God. Babies born prematurely in America at that time were not treated, the vast majority of whom were destined to die.

BBC Magazine 23.05.16

Satmar Rebbe Mentions FBI During Shabbos

The Satmar Rebbe announced Thursday that there would be an emergency gathering on Shabbos afternoon in the Beis Medresh Hagadol in Kiryas Yoel in the wake of the recent tragedy.

Avreimi Perlstein 22.05.16
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