י' טבת התשפ"ה


Extortion In London Girl Schools: “Girls At Home Crying”

London’s Chareidi community is up in arms after it was discovered that 16 girls weren’t accepted to any of the local schools. Headmaster demanding thousands of British pounds in return for letting the girls into school

Yackov Farber 26.05.17

London Unites: British Chadarim Concerned

The entire charedi community came together yesterday for an Atzers Tefillah in Stamford Hill. All the Talmudei Torah and each of the city's Rabbis attended the awe inspiring event.

Moshe Weissberg 07.06.16

London Elects a Muslim Mayor

As Mayor of London Mr. Khan will have an army of police, bureaucrats, and officials as well as substantial annual budget at his disposal- which will combine to make Mr. Khan one of the most powerful Muslims in the Western world.

Breitbart 07.05.16

Tragedy in London – Hagaon Rabbi Itzche Rosengarten zt"l

The Belzer Yeshiva Ketana Rosh Yeshiva in London had a heart attack and returned his soul at the age of 59. His students tell: "A supreme chassidish figure who didn’t enjoy Olam Hazeh" – his coffin will arrive in Israel

Moshe Weisberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 30.10.12

Rally against "harms of technology" in London

After the USA – now Europe. "Gathering of Klal Yisroel" against the harms of the internet will take place in London. Behadrey Hareidim presents the full schedule and list of speakers. And who is in the 'Mizrach'? All the details.

Yaki Admaker, Behadrey Haredim 04.09.12

Hareidi London storms: Kiddush Hashem or Avoda Zora?

The hareidi public figure Efraim Goldstein ran with the Olympic torch – and hareidi London split with the question: good or not? Harav Wazner: "Avoda Zora and Greek custom". His acquaintances: "Big Kidush Hashem"

Yaki Admaker, Behadrei Hareidim 31.07.12

Chessed from age of 10: who carried the Olympic torch? Prophile

At the age of 10, his Rav blessed him that he would deal with Chessed. Six years later, he founded an organization for ill children. Today, Efraim Goldstein carried the Olympic torch in the streets of London, and was cheered

Yaki Admaker, Behadrei Hareidim 26.07.12

Chessed from age of 10: who carried the Olympic torch? Prophile

At the age of 10, his Rav blessed him that he would deal with Chessed. Six years later, he founded an organization for ill children. Today, Efraim Goldstein carried the Olympic torch in the streets of London, and was cheered

Yaki Admaker, Behadrei Hareidim 26.07.12

London: Rosh Yeshivas Mesivta Hagr"c Breish zt"l drowned to death

Tragedy in the Hareidi kehilla of London: Rosh Yeshivas Mesivta, Hagr"c Breish zt"l, drowned to death. His chavrusa who was with him, R' Yitzchok Beigel, 30 years old, was slightly wounded. Left behind hundreds of pained talmidim. After a delay because of a vacation day in Britain – the body was released. A mass levaya is expected

E. Schlesinger & Y. Admaker, Behadrei Hareidim 06.06.12

London: Young Arab ran over a Chassidish Avrech in Stamford Hill

An intentional accident in Stamford Hill: a Chassidish Avrech who waited at a traffic light was run over by a person with an Arabic countenance and injured in a medium state. The London police is investigating the incident

Yoel Bittleman, Behadrey Haredim 29.03.12