י' טבת התשפ"ה


Rabbi Berland's message to his followers from prison

"BeChadrei Charedim" reveals Rabbi Eliezer Berland's first letter to his followers from prison. According to his Chassidim, this is a letter of support to the protest tent

Tzvi Sella and Eli Shlesinger 17.08.16

Hag"r Chaim Kanievsky in letter: "No bombs in Bnei Brak"

In a rarely long letter, published in his hand writing, R' Chaim Kanievsky writes: The promise of the Chazon Ish, that in Bnei Barak there will not be bombs - is also valid in 'Operation Amud Anan'

Moshe Weisberg, Behadrey Haredim 20.11.12

Lelov married students had to specify: Smartphone? Computer?

The Lelover Rebbe declares war on Smartphone devices and the Internet • in a conference held on the subject yeshiva students were required to fill in a questionnaire and list their technological devices

Moshe Weisberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 11.11.12

Elad mayor bent over: "suspends cuts"

Shortly after Elad municipal workers turned to Hagr"a Yosef and city Rabbi's - Mayor Yitzchak Eidan launched a short email: "I will suspend the cuts" • is there a permanent solution on the way?

Yaki Adamker, B'Chadrei Charedim 01.11.12

New campaign: men in tight trousers "Chotim u'machti'im"

In ads which were disseminated by Tznius activists in the hareidi concentrations, the public is warned: "It is a great obligation to protest concerning one who wears tight trousers". The reason: Chukos Hagoyim. Inside: photograph of flier

Yoel Koritz, Behadrey Haredim 19.08.12

New campaign: men in tight trousers "Chotim u'machti'im"

In ads which were disseminated by Tznius activists in the hareidi concentrations, the public is warned: "It is a great obligation to protest concerning one who wears tight trousers". The reason: Chukos Hagoyim. Inside: photograph of flier

Yoel Koritz, Behadrey Haredim 19.08.12

Boycott and letter of Chizuk. Quiet nights in Beis Yisroel

The instruction which was revealed in Behadrei Hareidim – came into force and is being strengthened by the letter of Rosh Yeshivas Mir, Hagra"y Finkel. "Restaurants which will sell after 23:00, will be boycotted throughout the day"

Y. Admaker & M. Weissberg, Behadrei Hareidim 27.06.12

Harav Ravitz z"l: "The people of Yated shed my blood"

In view of the change of management in 'Yated Ne'eman", a horrifying letter which M.K. Avraham Ravitz z"l wrote close to his death, to Hagry"s Eliashiv, was leaked. "They shamed me infront of thousands". The members of the family: "Painful subject"

Sari Roth, Behadrei Hareidim 07.06.12

Harav Ravitz z"l: "The people of Yated shed my blood"

In view of the change of management in 'Yated Ne'eman", a horrifying letter which M.K. Avraham Ravitz z"l wrote close to his death, to Hagry"s Eliashiv, was leaked. "They shamed me infront of thousands". The members of the family: "Painful subject"

Sari Roth, Behadrei Hareidim 07.06.12