י' טבת התשפ"ה


Senior Doctor At Mayenei Hayeshua Hospital: “We are Seeing progress”

Head of intensive care unit in Mayenei Hayeshuah Hospitel, Professor Eliyahu Sorkin shared with “Bechadrei Chareidim”: “the Rosh Yeshiva’s situation is stable and we are B’’H seeing improvement, I believe within three days the Rosh Yeshivah will be transferred to a regular ward”

Moishe Wiseberg 26.12.16

Clinton's Dr.: "Everything is fine"

Leading Democratic presidential candidate collapsed during a ceremony commemorating the victims of the World Trade Center disaster • Dr. Lisa R. Bardack, Clinton’s doctor, publishes her medical opinion, an attempt to reassure the American public

Atara Sternbuch 12.09.16

Again 'Bikur Cholim' in danger of closing?

As if the budgetary problems which led to cuts, the resignation of doctors and work in a shabbos format: according to the agreement with Gaydamak, the hospital has to begin paying rent

Yaki Admaker, Behadrey Haredim 01.11.12

Old Rebbe of Zlatshov underwent complicated op successfully

A hernia pained the Rebbe over the last weeks, and despite his custom not to go to a doctor, he went to hospital and was operated on. After the operation, the Rebbe was transferred to the recovery room and his condition improved.

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 28.10.12