כ"ה טבת התשפ"ה


AC12 record: four Patriots launched from Palmachim

At the peak of a combined exercise by IDF and the U.S. Army four Patriot missiles were launched from the base Palmachim toward the sea • Barak: "A proof of the quality of the old and veteran systems"

Eli Schlesinger and Sari Roth 13.11.12

Vaad Hayeshivos presents: Guide army mobilization recipient

"The army uses soldiers with a Hareidi appearance to convince yeshiva students by trickery and threats to sign the forms '•' Va'ad Hayeshivos manifesto distributed at Yeshivos with a list of instructions

Nachman Gur, Behadrey Haredim 22.10.12

Military police raided Bnei Brak: 5 arrested

Military policemen raided Bnei Brak at night, and arrested 5 yeshiva bochurim who did not hand in their report forms. Only 12 hours later, one of the detainees phoned his parents, and told them he was brought to a military court to prolong his arrest

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 06.09.12

Hareidi woman defector sentenced for 50 days arrest

Devorah Leah Cohen, 20 year old hareidi woman from Kiryat Malachi, was accused of defection from the IDF and sentenced in a military court for 50 days of arrest. Factually, 36 days are left for her to serve in the military jail. First publication

Yaki Admaker, Behadrey Haredim 06.09.12