י' טבת התשפ"ה


ISIS Orders Operatives To Disguise As Chareidi Jews

According to British Media sources the notorious ISIS terror organization is directing its operatives to disguise themselves as Chareidi Jews to easily avoid detection, and to be able to conceal weapons under a jacket to attack Jewish institutions

Yackov Farber 30.03.17

Jews not welcome

Israeli tourists turned back by Jordanian border because they were carrying religious artifacts.

Atara Sternbuch 09.08.16

Panic in Ecuador: Walls Shaking During Zmiros

233 people were killed and 600 injured when a massive earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale hit Ecuador on Shabbos. Harav Tomer Rotam, the Chabad Shaliach to Ecuador shares his experiences with Bchadrey Charedim.

Yoel Bitalman and Itzik Man 18.04.16

Strength of Israel • Israeli Jews closer to 6 million

According to a forecast increase the number of Jews living in the country is expected to climb to six million within days • How many are native? • And: How many Muslims, Christians and foreign workers live here?

Shmuel Klein, B'Chadrei Charedim 07.11.12

Tunisia: Attempt to kidnap Jews for ransom

Four young men, including a policeman who secured the Jewish community in the past, were arrested on suspicion of involvement in planning the abduction • Planned to kidnap Jews who were on the beach on Friday

Yaki Admaker, Behadrey Haredim 04.11.12

German cabinet approved: legally valid circumcision

German Justice Ministry drafted a law that would allow to circumcise babies • The Jewish community accepted the decision with great satisfaction, but Muslim community disappointed

Yaki Adamker B'Chadrei Charedim 11.10.12