י' טבת התשפ"ה


'Wedding' • Hgr"a Auerbach gets married in Moshav Beit Chilkiya

In a luxurious villa in Moshav Beit Chilkiya the wedding of the 75-year-old groom, Hgr"a Auerbach took place • The bride is his niece, the widow of Hagr"a Elyashiv zt"l • Hagr"sh Auerbach was given the honor of Mesader Kiddushin

Moshe Weisberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 04.11.12

Shidduch. Hagr"a Auerbach gets engaged to niece

Mazal Tov: 75 year old son-in-law of Hagry"s Eliashiv is getting engaged tonight by second marriage. The Kalla: niece of his wife, Mina Eliashiv, 58 years old. The Chassunah is supposed to be in about 3 weeks

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 12.10.12