כ"ה טבת התשפ"ה


The missionaries new lie: Rabbi Kaduri supported Yeshu

In a campaign that flooded the network, missionaries claim that Harav Kaduri left a note stating he believed in Yeshu • Yad L'Achim picked up the gauntlet and proved their lie • view

Nachman Gur, B'Chadrei Charedim 07.11.12

Hgr"c Kanievsky against Hgr"m Gross: G- Forbid

A document issued in the Court of Hgr"m Gross published an article permitting the use of a digital water kettle on Shabbos • Reb Chaim Kanievsky letter in 'Yated': "G-d forbid, remove such things from your home"

B'Chadrei Charedim Reporter 18.10.12

Kol Hanearim was cancelled – the purchaser has an IPhone

A member at Chachmei Lublin belonging to Harav Wosner purchased "Kol Hanearim" for the price of 10,000 NIS. The purchase was cancelled after someone informed the son of the Rav: The buyer has an IPhone.

Yonah Green B'Chadrei Charedim 01:21 09/10/2012 09.10.12

Harav Lau is moved: "My picture is dipped in his blood and buried in the soil of Eretz Yisrael". Exclusive

Exclusive to Behadrey Haredim. Harav Yisrael Meir Lau is moved by the story of soldier Yahalomi hy"d, who was buried with the IDF disc bearing his picture. "It obliges one not to disappoint". "Every spare hour he used for learning Torah, he was a young man with a high spirit". Also: the story which was never told about the seriously injured soldier from Binat Jabail

Sari Roth, Behadrey Haredim 27.09.12

Rare guest at Merkaz Harav: Hagr"o Yosef. Harav Avraham Shapira was "Gadol Hador"

At the memorial ceremony of former Rosh Yeshiva of Merkaz Harav, Hagaon R' Avraham Shapira zt"l, 5 years after his ptirah, former Rishon Letzion and Chief Rabbi Hagr"a Yosef took part. Harav Ovadia gave a shiur and said about the former Chief Rabbi: "He loved human beings, was a great Masmid. He was Gadol Hador". Gallery and Video

Behadrey Haredim reporter 24.09.12

Sandak on Birthday. Hagr"s Wazner enters 100th year

The author of 'Shevet Halevi' celebrated his 99th birthday and entered his 100th year as Sandak at a Bris. Despite his superlative old age, his daily routine continues to be filled to capacity

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 21.08.12

Sandak on Birthday. Hagr"s Wazner enters 100th year

The author of 'Shevet Halevi' celebrated his 99th birthday and entered his 100th year as Sandak at a Bris. Despite his superlative old age, his daily routine continues to be filled to capacity

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 21.08.12

"Chatanu Lefanecha, Rachem Aleinu" The Yemenites ask forgivenss

Members of the Yemenite community gathered yesterday in the Beis Midrash of the city's Rav and eldest of the Yemenite Rabbonim, Hagaon R' Shlomo Korach. The event: a minyan for saying the "Ashmurot" – the Yemenite Slichos.

Yaakov Cohen, Beharey Haredim 20.08.12

Hagr"s Amar: the state of Israel – Atachalta De'geulah

M.K. Atniel Shneler initiates a plan which will deal with the halachic meaning of a referendum, 7 years after the "Hitnatkut" (retreat from Gush Katif). Hagr"s Amar explains: "Like in the Sanhedrin, today the government and Knesset are elected"

Sari Roth, Behadrei Hareidim 13.08.12

Hagr"s Amar: the state of Israel – Atachalta De'geulah

M.K. Atniel Shneler initiates a plan which will deal with the halachic meaning of a referendum, 7 years after the "Hitnatkut" (retreat from Gush Katif). Hagr"s Amar explains: "Like in the Sanhedrin, today the government and Knesset are elected"

Sari Roth, Behadrei Hareidim 13.08.12