י' טבת התשפ"ה


French magazine published caricature mocking Prophet Mohammed: Hareidi pushing Moslem

The French magazine Charlie Avado published a caricature in which a Hareidi Jew is seen pushing a wheel chair on which a Moslem, who is supposedly the Prophet Mohammed, is sitting. Next to them, the cynical caption appears: "This is no issue for mockery". Editor of magazine: "The caricatures will shock whoever wants to be shocked". French government refused to get involved.

Yaki Admaker, Behadrey Haredim 20.09.12

French magazine published caricature mocking Prophet Mohammed: Hareidi pushing Moslem

The French magazine Charlie Avado published a caricature in which a Hareidi Jew is seen pushing a wheel chair on which a Moslem, who is supposedly the Prophet Mohammed, is sitting. Next to them, the cynical caption appears: "This is no issue for mockery". Editor of magazine: "The caricatures will shock whoever wants to be shocked". French government refused to get involved.

Yaki Admaker, Behadrey Haredim 20.09.12

USA ambassador in Libya murdered

At the end of a rocket attack on the American consulate in Libya, the USA ambassador, Christopher Stevens was killed, together with another employee and two American commando fighters. The protest broke out as a result of a movie which a former Israeli produced, in which he mocks the "Prophet Mohammed". Film producer: "Islam is cancer". Obama: "Shocking, we will increase the security"

Yoel Koritz, Behadrey Haredim 13.09.12