כ"ה טבת התשפ"ה


'Lev Tahor' government raid

Continued pursuit of 'Lev Tahor' cult: After the heads of the sect and its members fled to Israel, United States, Canada and Guatemalan authorities likewise decided to treat the severe abuse of children and minors • Children and infants of the sect were taken by the authorities

Atara Sternbuch 13.09.16

First time in Montreal: Jewish mayor

Michael Appelbaum, a prominent at the Montreal City Council, was elected as Mayor – in place of the mayor who resigned due to corruption • Appelbaum close to local Hasidic courts

Yoel Bitelman, B'Chadrei Charedim 19.11.12

Montreal: The inspectors requested Sukkah's to be broken down

Municipal inspectors demanded ultra-Orthodox residents of Montreal to dismantle their Sukkah during Simchas Torah, and if not - shall be fined with $400 Canadian • activists intervened and obtained an extension.

Yoel Bitleman B'Chadrei Charedim 12.10.12

Canada severed relations with Teheran. "Threat to world security"

The Canadian government reported that it has removed Iranian diplomats from its territory, and retuned its representatives from Teheran to Canada. Iranians: "The Canadian government is radical and influenced by the Zionistic regime".

Yoel Koritz, Behadrey HAredim 08.09.12