ז' אדר התשפ"ה


Knesset To Hold Hearing Over Police Brutality In Meah Shearim

The Knesset committee for ‘constitutional law and justice’ will be holding a hearing over the recent police brutality in Meah Shearim- the hearing was requested by MK Tamar Zondberg and received support from MK Betzalel Smotrich

Yackov Grodkah 07.06.17

Reform Movement files Complaint against Charedi MK's

The charedi MK's walked out of the Knesset in order to protest the fact that a representative of the Reform movement was granted permission to speak. The Reform representative file a complaint with the Knesset ethics committee asking for an explanation.

Akiva Weiss 22.06.16

Chemical Weapons Attack Drill at the Knesset

There was a chemical weapons drill at the Knesset Thursday morning, to simulate the reasponse of emergency personnel in the event that chemical weapons penetrated the Knesset compound. Knesset security, home front defense, the fire department, the IDF and the Israeli police all participated in the drill.

Photography by Yonasan Zundel Flash 90 17.06.16

MK Yakov Asher Receives Brachos Of Gedolim

Yakov Asher receives a bracha from both Harav Chaim Kanievsky and Harav Aharon Leib Shteinman upon he reappointment to the Knesset as A Yahadut Hatorah MK. Photography by Shuki Lerer

Shuki Lerer 06.06.16

It happened: Porush Resigned

After he publicized his decision last night to resign from the Knesset under the Norwegian Law in order to allow Yakov Asher to fill his place, Meir Porush hurried to fulfill his promise. He presented his resignation to at noon to the head of the Knesset.

Akiva Weiss 22.05.16

Stormy night in Knesset: Haredi MKs performed 'kria' and held slichos minyan

Discussion of 'conscription law' allowed haredi MKs to protest before losing the fight: made kria, Porush handcuffed himself to stand and Slichos were read during speeches • Gafni cried: 'kera ro'a gzar dineinu!'• Towards daylight, for the first time after 65 year - the special status of bnei yeshivos was cancelled • Extensive documentation: video summary and pictures

Sari Roth, Behadrey Haredim 24.07.13

Tearing, curses and scheduled abandonment • Haredi protest performance against the government • view

A horror show like Torah Judaism MKs performed, has never been seen in the Knesset • 'I vote against the evil government', called Israel Eichler • "White Book," cried Moshe Gafni and tore the coalition agreement • When the Prime Minister announced his government, the seven surprised - called "Jews do not expel Jews" - and abandoned • View Gafni's full speech

Sari Roth Photo: Eli Segal, Behadrey Haredim 20.03.13

Anti-Hareidi organization, Chiddush, admits: We failed

Shahar Ilan concludes the 18th Knesset: "Unfortunately, you can not point to even one significant achievement in religion" • Plans for the future? "Civilian government which will make a revolution

Sari Roth, Behadrey Haredim 23.10.12

Rage in Knesset over decrees: "Bad smelling money"

The Knesset passed a series of financial draconian measures, not before it expressed its protest. Braverman: "We shouted against a bi-yearly budget". Shitrit: "Why is the blood of companies redder than the poor's?"

Sari Roth. Photograph: Kobi Har-Zvi 07.08.12