י' טבת התשפ"ה


Rechnitz Founds New L. A. Kollel

Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz sets out to strengthen the Frum community of L.A. by establishing a new Kollel in the city. The new Kollel is currently recruiting 25 avreichim learning in Eretz Yisrael join the new L.A. kollel along with their families.

Moshe Weissberg 26.06.16

The Mir Distributes Fans

Not just free bread: The world's largest fortress of Torah is distributing fans to the yeshiva's avreichim

Moshe Weissberg 01.06.16

Fire in Yeshivas Mir

In the middle of first seder a fire broke out in the Mir Yeshiva. The Beis Medresh was evacuated and the fire extinguished.

Moshe Weissberg 26.05.16

New in Mir Yeshiva. Daf Hayomi and VIP dining hall for Americans

New arrangements in Mir: new dining room for American Talmidim. The entry: with special cards. For the first time the chassidish Talmidim will have a Seder of learning the Daf Hayomi, as part of the formal Sdarim of limud

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 22.08.12

'Leil Shishi' in Mir. First test for stores in Beis Yisroel

According to an agreement of the Roshei Yeshiva of Mir and the kashrus bodies, the restaurants next to the Mir Yeshiva must close their doors at 11pm. Tonight: the first "Leil Shishi" after the agreement, will be the night of test

Yaki Admaker, Behadrei Hareidim 29.06.12

Boycott and letter of Chizuk. Quiet nights in Beis Yisroel

The instruction which was revealed in Behadrei Hareidim – came into force and is being strengthened by the letter of Rosh Yeshivas Mir, Hagra"y Finkel. "Restaurants which will sell after 23:00, will be boycotted throughout the day"

Y. Admaker & M. Weissberg, Behadrei Hareidim 27.06.12

101 Ksubos: The Mir Masmid

18 year old Dovid Zelig, learning in the mir yeshiva makes a siyum on ksuvos for the 101th time ● “we are talking about a boy with incredible talent and the ability to study like not many can or do”

Moshe Weisberg 06.03.12