כ"ה טבת התשפ"ה


Hareidi convicted of attacking policeman at opening of Karta parking lot

Jerusalem Magistrate's Court judge convicted Shimon Knipflemacher – who participated in a demonstration against the opening of the Karta parking lot – of rioting and assaulting a police officer under severe circumstances • "Defendant version dubious"

Yaki Admaker, Behadrey Haredim 28.10.12

Hagray"l about the rally: Bitul Torah

Following the publication that Hagaon R' Chaim Kanievsky supported the "Early morning rally" of the Eda Hareidis – he clarified to those who ask: "Ask Hagray"l Shteinman. And whatever he tells you, do". Harav Shteinman: "Demonstrations have always been the way of the Eda Hareidis, one mustn't be Mevatel Torah to demonstrate".

Eli Cohen, Behadrei Hareidim 25.06.12

Hagray"l about the rally: Bitul Torah

Following the publication that Hagaon R' Chaim Kanievsky supported the "Early morning rally" of the Eda Hareidis – he clarified to those who ask: "Ask Hagray"l Shteinman. And whatever he tells you, do". Harav Shteinman: "Demonstrations have always been the way of the Eda Hareidis, one mustn't be Mevatel Torah to demonstrate".

Eli Cohen, Behadrei Hareidim 25.06.12

Yavne: Week after destruction – demonstrations and collisions. Watch

A week after the vandalism: the demonstrators of "Atra Kadisha" arrived at the train site in Yavne to demonstrate against the desecration of graves which is done at the scene, according to them. Some of the demonstrators were detained for investigation, and released.

Yaki Admaker, Behadrei Hareidim 30.05.12