כ"ו טבת התשפ"ה

Bnei Brak

Pashaversker Rebbe on speed visit Eretz Yisroel

This morning he left Antwerp for a flash visit in Eretz Yisroel. Purpose of visit: the wedding Simcha of his youngest son's engagement with the daughter of Harh"z R' Yaakov Eliyahu Horonchik, grandson of the Rebbe R' Moshe Mordechai of Lelov zt"l

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 01.11.12

The lion of the group • Rabbi Emanuel Grossberg zt"l

Shiurim given by the author of 'Nachlas Ami' at the 'Chanichei Yeshivas Chevron' Beit Medrash in Bnei Brak – were renowned • He passed away at age 65 after an illness and was buried yesterday at the Ponovicz cemetery.

Moshe Weisberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 30.10.12

Bnei - Brak: toddler found wandering alone on Friday night

Child found wandering alone in Mishkenot Yaakov in Bnei Brak on Friday night • Local volunteers sought after parents with no results • Only after three hours the parents were located in a Simcha hall in the neighborhood

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Haredim 29.10.12

Bnei Brak: driver drove reverse and ran over old woman

A car which drove backwards on Usishkin street, drove over a woman of 70 and caused her injury in a moderate state. Passers-by picked the car up and rescued the woman, who was taken to hospital

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 26.10.12

Driver pulled out gas stand and was slightly injured

A car hit and pulled out of place a gas stand at a gas station on Kahanaman street in Bnei Brak. By miracle, the station didn't go on fire. The Ichud Hatzala paramedics gave the driver – who was slightly injured – first aid

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 13.09.12

Driver pulled out gas stand and was slightly injured

A car hit and pulled out of place a gas stand at a gas station on Kahanaman street in Bnei Brak. By miracle, the station didn't go on fire. The Ichud Hatzala paramedics gave the driver – who was slightly injured – first aid

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 13.09.12

11 year old hit by jeep in Bnei Brak. "Flew to 17 m distance"

A child who crossed at a pedestrian crossing in Bnei Brak was hit by a passing car. Was thrown to a great distance and suffers a severe head injury. Evacuated to Tel Hashomer hospital in a harsh condition. Bracha bat Elishav Yocheved, for refuah shleima

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 02.09.12

Sandak on Birthday. Hagr"s Wazner enters 100th year

The author of 'Shevet Halevi' celebrated his 99th birthday and entered his 100th year as Sandak at a Bris. Despite his superlative old age, his daily routine continues to be filled to capacity

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 21.08.12

Sandak on Birthday. Hagr"s Wazner enters 100th year

The author of 'Shevet Halevi' celebrated his 99th birthday and entered his 100th year as Sandak at a Bris. Despite his superlative old age, his daily routine continues to be filled to capacity

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 21.08.12

Bnei Brak: Dropout youths violently attacked Yeshiva Bochurim

Yeshiva Bochurim from France who walked on Friday night on Nachum street in Bnei Brak, were violently attacked by dropout youth. One bochur was injured in his head, and the second's glasses broke. The boys refused to place a complaint in the police: "We have no time for that". Two apartments on Ben Zakai street were burgled – from one of them jewels and cash were stolen

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 23.07.12

Ten year old fined with 5,000 shekel: hung up ad for summer camp

A ten year old girl from Bnei Brak hung up ads about a camp which she planned to have in her home. The inspectors of the Bnei Brak municipality announced to the mother: You must pay a fine of 5,000 shekel". The mother: My daughter is traumatized"

Yaki Admaker, Behadrei Hareidim 18.07.12

Not a game. Boy flew with bike onto car on road

An accident in Bnei Brak. A boy of 6 flew with his bike and hit a pole. From there he was thrown onto the road and was hit by a car of a disabled which passed by. Evacuated to Tel Hashomer hospital, defined in a medium condition

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 27.06.12

Not a game. Boy flew with bike onto car on road

An accident in Bnei Brak. A boy of 6 flew with his bike and hit a pole. From there he was thrown onto the road and was hit by a car of a disabled which passed by. Evacuated to Tel Hashomer hospital, defined in a medium condition

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 27.06.12

Not a game. Boy flew with bike onto car on road

An accident in Bnei Brak. A boy of 6 flew with his bike and hit a pole. From there he was thrown onto the road and was hit by a car of a disabled which passed by. Evacuated to Tel Hashomer hospital, defined in a medium condition

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 27.06.12

The wellknown educator. Mrs. Chaya Rosenthal, a"h

In Bnei Brak, the educator Mrs. Chaya Rosenthal, the daughter of Rosh Yeshivas Novardok, wife of Hagaon R' Moshe Aharon Rosenthal, of the headsds of Kollel Chazon Ish, was niftar. In her last years, she battled with a harsh disease

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 29.03.12

In the center of Bnei Brak: men and women bake Matzos. Watch

As on every year, the members of a family, men and women alike, gather in a bakery in Bnei Brak and bake Matzos. "This is a family experience just like sitting together around a Shabbos table". Which role do the women serve?

Yaki Admaker, Behadrey Haredim 28.03.12