כ"ה טבת התשפ"ה

Harav Chaim Kanievsky

Harav Chaim Kanievsky visits "Otzar Hatorah"

During the course of his trip to Yerushalayim Harav Chaim Kanievsky visited Yeshivas Otzar Hatorah in Ramot where he wrote a letter in the Sefer Torah. Photography by Eli Kuvein

Eli Cohen 15.06.16

MK Yakov Asher Receives Brachos Of Gedolim

Yakov Asher receives a bracha from both Harav Chaim Kanievsky and Harav Aharon Leib Shteinman upon he reappointment to the Knesset as A Yahadut Hatorah MK. Photography by Shuki Lerer

Shuki Lerer 06.06.16

Harav Chaim Kanievsky on Travelling to Meron

Whoever is a big massmid could also learn while travelling. But whoever isn't a massmid does not need to be given another way to waste time from Torah learning

Moshe Weissberg 25.05.16

Bar Mitzvah Boy Shares Drasha with his Saba

The Bar Mitzvah of Harav Chaim Kanievsky's great grandson was held last night in Ulamei Wagschal. The Bar Mitzvah boy is the son of Harav Kanievsky's grandson Harav Shlomo Kanievsky, Rosh yeshivas Kiryat Melech. He is also a grandson of Harav Yisreal Wertzel who was one of the editors at Yated Ne'eman. Photography and video by Shuki Lerrer

Moshe Weissberg 17.05.16

Harav Chaim Kanievsky's Siyum Hashas

Harav Chaim Kanivesky shlita made his annual Siyum Hashas on erev Pesach for Tanis B'choros in Lederman's. Harav Kanievsky is himself a bchor.

Moshe Weissberg photography by Shuki Lerer 30.04.16