כ"ה טבת התשפ"ה


Off to Camp in Satmar

On the Friday before the 2.5 hour drive up the Catskills, the boys in Williamsburg bring their boxes to the loading point where trucks wait to be loaded with the baggage. Note the disposable nature of the "trunks", perhaps do to the lack of storage space in densely populated Williamsburg.

Moshe Weissberg 07.07.16

Williamsburg: Hachnasas Sefer Torah in Satmar

Williamsburg's largest Satmar Beis Medresh held a Hachnasas Sefer Torah L'iluy Neshmas Habachur Moshe Yitzchak Greenfeld , by the talmidim of Satmar's Yeshiva Gedola . The Sefer Torah was written by the family and the bachur's friends.

Moshe Weissberg 15.06.16

When seeing the Shabbos Goy: The Rebbe cancelled the minyan

A goy activated the light on Shabbos at a hall rented by Rachmastrivke Chassidim in Williamsburg • The Rebbe, who saw it with his own eyes, would not forgive the chassidim and went to daven someplace else

Moshe Weisberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 04.11.12

Papa Rebbe's vacation home burned. Documentation

The Papa Rebbe, who lives in Williamsburg, is currently staying at nearby resorts next to the Chassidus Yeshiva • "The damage is great, but with the grace of Heaven there are no casualties

Moshe Weisberg and Yoel Bittelman, Behadrey Haredim 23.10.12

Drunken damage Hareidi suburbs

Hareidi residents in Williamsburg and Lakewood suffered of a similar phenomenon last Friday night: drunk youths caused damage to cars parked on the roadside • Fortunately, two were arrested

Yoel Bittleman, Behadery Haredim 15.10.12

Kept away from Loshon Hora - Mrs. Yutah Doshazaf a"h

Mrs. Yutah Doshazaf a"h was buried in Jerusalem, the third daughter who Rabbi Moshe Schwartz has buried during his lifetime, one of the city's Belzer Chassidim • she was known as a modest and God-fearing woman.

Moshe Weisberg B'Chadrei Charedim 12.10.12