י' טבת התשפ"ה


Historic peace in the Haredi world

Historic peace summit at the Ger' wedding. "B'hadrei Haredim" with exclusive details about the steps that led to the historic moment: yeshiva students instructed not to push, Sheva Brachos invite, Rav Aharon Leib's surprise and absolute secrecy of the trip

Avi Greenzeig 14.09.16

Rav Steinman at the Ger' wedding

After a prolonged break, Rav Steinman came to the marriage of the Gerer Rebbe's grandson. A historic event in the Litvish'-Chasidic Torah world, after years of disconnection between the two most influential rabbis of Haredi Judaism

Yankel Rose 13.09.16

“ The Time has Come for Peace Amongst the Charedim”

Harav Gershon Edlestein, Rosh Yeshivas Ponevezh meets with Health Minister Harav Yakov Litzman. Bchadrei Charedim is the first to reveal the contents of their groundbreaking conversation. The Rosh Yeshiva initiates peace from within and presses to institute changes in advance of Pesach.

Menny Shwartz 15.04.16