י' טבת התשפ"ה


Heinnei B'yadcha: Ukrainian Style

This has got to be the most unusual version yet. Vadim, Alexi, Boris, and Sasha, a non-Jewish choir sing the song in authentic Lashon Kodesh. They are practicing in advance of an appearance for Kollel Torah of the Odessa Chabad House.

Kob Har Tzvi 23.06.16

Ukraine Thwarts Attack on French Shul

The Guardian has reported that a Frenchman accused of plotting a number of terror attacks during Euro 2016 has been arrested by Ukrainian police.

Eli Cohen 06.06.16

Kiev Fire Kills Seventeen

Seventeen people died when a fire broke out early Sunday morning, destroying a two story building in Kiev. The building was illegally housing about 35 elderly people.

BBC 29.05.16

Rabbi in Mezibush Attacked on Friday Night

A gentile was admitted to the Rabbi's office in Mezibush on Friday night and attacked the Rabbi with a scissors when he asked the man to come back after Shabbos to discuss employment opportunities.

Itzik Man 29.05.16

Ukraine: car accident on way to Haditsh

A group of American Chassidim who were on a trip of Kivrei Tzadikim in the Ukraine were caught in a traffic accident on the way to the grave of the Ba'al HaTanya

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 10.11.12

Elections in Ukraine: anti-Semitic party gained 12 percent

According to samples, the Svoboda party, whose leader called to "Free the Ukraine of Russian rule and Yids", succeeded for the first time to pass the threshold • Incumbent president won the election

Nachman Gur, Behadrey Haredim 29.10.12

Flight was delayed by 8 hours: passengers went hungry

70 Hareidi travelers returning from the tomb of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev had to stay overnight at the airport in Kiev • El Al refused to transfer kosher food from the plane

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 16.10.12