כ"ה טבת התשפ"ה

Harav Shteinman

Surprising Advice form Harav Shteinman

Someone came to Harav Shteinman to ask for a bracha for an ill person. He received the surprising answer of," be careful not to eat before davening."

Moshe Weissberg 11.07.16

MK Yakov Asher Receives Brachos Of Gedolim

Yakov Asher receives a bracha from both Harav Chaim Kanievsky and Harav Aharon Leib Shteinman upon he reappointment to the Knesset as A Yahadut Hatorah MK. Photography by Shuki Lerer

Shuki Lerer 06.06.16

Harav Shteinman Gives Shiur to Bachurim of Gaon Yakov

From the heights of his advanced age Harav Shteinman gave a shiur last week In his home to the studetns of Yishivas Gaon Yakov which is under his leadership. Shuki Lerer was allowed in and photographed the event.

Moshe Weissberg 06.06.16

Vaad Hayeshivos Gathering: Don't Expel any Bachur

The leadership of the Vaad Hayeshivos gathered to discuss the draft of yeshiva bachurim. It was decided not to give a deferment to any bachur who does not fulfill,"Torahso umnaso" (In other words a bachur who is not spending his time learning Torah should not receive a deferment.

Moshe Weissberg 24.05.16

The Maaser of Avreichim

The Sanzer Rebbe met with Harav Shteinman in advance of the Dirshu meeting held in the Rosh Yeshiva’s home yesterday. A Bchadrey Charedim exclusive.

Moshe Weissberg photography: Shuki Lerer 12.04.16