כ"ו טבת התשפ"ה


Bennett continues to attack: Likud plans an expulsion?

After Bibi hinted that he will not add those who call to refuse orders to his government - Naftali Bennett attacks: "I did not call to refuse orders - to earn another quarter of a mandate 'Likud' hit the IDF"

Sari Roth, B'Chadrei Charedim 23.12.12

Assault on way to Western Wall * Yeshiva student slightly injured

Security deterioration continues • Yeshiva student was attacked on his way to the Western Wall in the Old City at Nablus Gate • He was treated on the scene and his condition is set at slight • The attackers escaped

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 14.12.12

End of saga: Bris Milah Act approved in Germany

As promised by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the government passed a law that would allow the performance of circumcision • 434 MPs supported the law, compared with only a hundred opponents

Yaki Admaker, Behadrey Haredim 14.12.12

Walla Survey: gap between the blocks decreases

Survey TNS-Teleseker for Walla! Shows: the strengthening of the center - left parties, alongside stability of the Likud - Beitenu with 38 seats and the weakening of Avodah and Meretz • Movement of Tzipi Livni and Yesh Atid of Yair Lapid

Sari Roth, B'Chadrei Charedim 12.12.12

Hagr"ch and Hgr"n clarify: "We did not support Hagr"d Shmidel"

'Atra Kadisha' complicated • Only a few days ago the organization issued a letter of support by Hagr"ch Kanievsky and Hgr"n Karelitz • Now they deny it and announce: We did not sign a support letter for the organization

Yaki Adamker, B'Chadrei Charedim 11.12.12

Excitement: the Rebbe lit the menorah of Rabbi Pinchas Koretz

The expensive menorah, lit alternatively by the 'Yeshuot Moshe' and his brother from Monsey – was transferred to the Vizhnitzer Rebbe to light • what happened to the chair of the "Ahavat Yisrael"?

Shlomo Greenberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 10.12.12

The Sunday Times: Israeli forces operating in Syria

"Israel's special forces have been operating throughout Syria, to find Assad's chemical arsenals" • "Last week we received hints that buffers were driven to other locations"

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 09.12.12

Moments of tension: the hidden lists of Yahadut Hatorah

Until the last moment Degel and Agudah were thinking of running separately • who represents the Haredi workers integrated into the joint list by Hagray"l Steinman? • Video and photos from the lists filing

Sari Roth, B'Chadrei Charedim 09.12.12