כ"ו טבת התשפ"ה


Jerusalem: 200 students sit at home. Exposure

The Emunat Tzion school of Maayan Hachinuch Hatorani sent 200 students home • Reason: The building is not approved for use • Principal: "Barkat promised to help - but nothing was done"

Yaki Admaker and Sari Roth, Behadrey Haredim 22.10.12

"Siach Sod". The Tzanzer Rebbe by the Belzer Rebbe

The Tzanzer Rebbe came to Yerushalayim yesterday to visit the Belzer Rebbe. The two Rebbes talked to each other in words of Torah and Chassidus. Watch a gallery of the meeting between the two chassidus

Nachman Gur, Behadrey Hareidim 17.10.12

Haredi triumph in capital: Censored electronic signage

After pressure from the mayor of Jerusalem, electronic signs were approved in the capital. At the request of the Hareidim, the contents of signs will be censured and human figures will not appear in them

Yonah shuv, Behadrey Hareidim 12.10.12

Kept away from Loshon Hora - Mrs. Yutah Doshazaf a"h

Mrs. Yutah Doshazaf a"h was buried in Jerusalem, the third daughter who Rabbi Moshe Schwartz has buried during his lifetime, one of the city's Belzer Chassidim • she was known as a modest and God-fearing woman.

Moshe Weisberg B'Chadrei Charedim 12.10.12

"Miracle": Toddler dragged by bus is saved

A bus driving along Malchei Yisrael Street in Jerusalem hit a stroller with a toddler in it and dragged her hundreds of meters along the road. The bus stopped only after a motorbike blocked its way. Miraculously the toddler's situation is defined as "slightly wounded".

Eli Shlezinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 23:18 08/10/2012 09.10.12

Jerusalem price tag targeted time: Jesus

Vandals sprayed Hebrew graffiti denouncing Christ Church Benedictine Abbey belongs to the order of the capital near the Zion Gate • Police are investigating whether there is a relationship previous events

Joel Koretz 03.10.12

Montefiore's family: want to transfer him to Israel for burial

Relatives of the Jewish lobbyist who died 127 years ago, require to burry him next to the Windmill in Jerusalem: "He wanted to be buried in Israel" • Ramsgate Mayor opposes: "This is the place he chose to be buried"

Nachman Gur, Behadrey Haredim 25.09.12

Montefiore's family: want to transfer him to Israel for burial

Relatives of the Jewish lobbyist who died 127 years ago, require to burry him next to the Windmill in Jerusalem: "He wanted to be buried in Israel" • Ramsgate Mayor opposes: "This is the place he chose to be buried"

Nachman Gur, Behadrey Haredim 25.09.12

Yoelish Krois' slaughter house in Meah Shearim returns to action

The Jerusalem municipality returned the equipment which was confiscated in the raid, and gave an approval to shecht in the days before Yom Kippur. Krois in a special campaign in secular suburbs: "We're all for saving the slaughter-house of Meah Shearim"

Yaki Admaker, Behadrey Haredim 23.09.12

Hareidi infant fell in hotel: hospitalized with severe head injury

Members of family from Har Nof came to visit their grandparents in the Ramada hotel in Jerusalem. The two year old infant fell from the basin to the floor, and was evacuated in a severe condition. The police: there is no suspicion of parents' negligence

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 23.08.12

Hareidi infant from Jerusalem drowned in pool – harsh condition

The 3 year old infant was drawn from the pool by the lifeguard, underwent resuscitation and was evacuated to Tel Hashomer. He is hospitalized in the children's emergency ward, with his condition defined as very harsh. Circumstances of drowning are not yet known

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 07.08.12

Hareidi infant from Jerusalem drowned in pool – harsh condition

The 3 year old infant was drawn from the pool by the lifeguard, underwent resuscitation and was evacuated to Tel Hashomer. He is hospitalized in the children's emergency ward, with his condition defined as very harsh. Circumstances of drowning are not yet known

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 07.08.12

Infiltrators' violence came to center of Jerusalem

South Tel Aviv is here. Three Yeshiva bochurim were attacked by Sudanese youngsters in the center of Jerusalem. The police got involved and rescued them. "We now understand the harsh problem with the infiltrators"

Yaki Admaker, Behadrei HAreidim 02.08.12

Infiltrators' violence came to center of Jerusalem

South Tel Aviv is here. Three Yeshiva bochurim were attacked by Sudanese youngsters in the center of Jerusalem. The police got involved and rescued them. "We now understand the harsh problem with the infiltrators"

Yaki Admaker, Behadrei HAreidim 02.08.12