כ"ה טבת התשפ"ה


Jewish camps in America spent Shabbos in the dark

Shabbos Nachamu was spent by thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews living in the camp areas of New York and Canada in the dark • Reason: wind and rain storm that hit the electricity infrastructure in the region • Description from abroad

Yoel Bitelman, B'Chadrei Charedim 22.07.13

"Human Rights organizations will be first to transfer Hareidim"

Member of Knesset Shmaelov-Berkowitz attacked the Human Rights organizations who are helping the infiltrators: "If you would allow them to take buses and transfer Hareidim, they would be the first to put them onto buses". "It's a real disgrace that they are dressomg Miri Regev in Nazi uniform. These hypocrites, lock them up for propaganda against Jews"

Sari Roth, Behadrei Hareidim 30.05.12

"Human Rights organizations will be first to transfer Hareidim"

Member of Knesset Shmaelov-Berkowitz attacked the Human Rights organizations who are helping the infiltrators: "If you would allow them to take buses and transfer Hareidim, they would be the first to put them onto buses". "It's a real disgrace that they are dressomg Miri Regev in Nazi uniform. These hypocrites, lock them up for propaganda against Jews"

Sari Roth, Behadrei Hareidim 30.05.12