כ"ה טבת התשפ"ה


Amazing Survival of 7 year old Yamato Tanooka

Seven year old Yamato Tanooka was released yesterday from a Japanese hospital after his six day plight gripped the world in worry over the fate of the lost little boy.

Abe Aron 08.06.16

Obama Will Make Historic Visit to Hiroshima

President Obama will be the first American president to visit Hiroshima. While most of the 220,000 people killed by the atomic bombs that the United States dropped on Japan, were Japanese civilians, 40,000 to 50,000 of the dead were Koreans.

The New York Times 25.05.16

From India to Ethopia: Rebbe of Japan, married in Manchester

The most famous of prisoners of Japan, Yoel Zeev HaLevi Goldstein, was married in Manchester with a local bridal • participants: Hachid"a Weiss, Aharele Samet and his arrest associates who came especially from Israel

Moshe Weisberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 24.05.13

'Rebbe of Japan', celebrated Didan Natzach in Boro Park

A year after his release from prison in Japan, Yoel Zeev Goldstein arrived for a visit to New York • The reception was attended by lawyers and activists who worked on his acquittal, along with generous donors who financed the costs

Yoel Bittelman, Behadrey Haredim 22.10.12