כ"ה טבת התשפ"ה


First time: Badatz went down to Goloventziz area. Exclusive

After a year of conflicts and power battles, the heads of the Badatz Eda Hareidis went down to the disputed area in the Goloventziz demarcated area. Among those who came were the Gab"d, Hagry"t Weiss, and the Rab"d – Hagr"m Sternbuch. Exclusive documentation

Yaki Admaker, Behadrey Haredim 21.08.12

Raging demonstration at Mesilat Zion. Arrested: 5 'Kanoim'

About 40 Kanoim arrived Wednesday morning at the archeological site next to the Mesilat Zion settlement. The police arrested 5 demonstrators. The photographers Yaakov Lederman and Moshe Holtzman present: video and huge gallery

Y. Admaker, Behadrei Hareidim 02.08.12

Yavne: Week after destruction – demonstrations and collisions. Watch

A week after the vandalism: the demonstrators of "Atra Kadisha" arrived at the train site in Yavne to demonstrate against the desecration of graves which is done at the scene, according to them. Some of the demonstrators were detained for investigation, and released.

Yaki Admaker, Behadrei Hareidim 30.05.12