כ"ה טבת התשפ"ה


Tragic car accident in Monsey

Bitter tragedy in New York- A car skidded off the road, hit two Yeshiva Bochurim standing on the sidewalk in killing one on the spot; His friend went through surgery and is now hospitalized in critical condition ● The driver: an off-duty police officer. The police initiated an investigation

Moshe Weisberg 08.09.16

Two Stolin Hassidim missing

Two young Hassidim are missing since yesterday after last seen in Stolin camp near Monsey • Extensive searches taking place

Akiva Weiss 26.08.16

Sheindel Mashinsky A"H

Tragedy in Monsey: Sheindel Mashinsky, 18, orphaned from her mother then dies in a car accident

Yoel Bitelman 25.08.16

Detroit: Levaya of Rabbi Moshe Schwab

he Levaya of Harav Moshe Schwab was held yesterday evening in Detroit. The kevura will be today in Monsey. Photography by Shalom Koren

Moshe Weissberg 06.06.16

Detroit Mourns: Harav Moshe Shwab tz"l

Hagoan Harav Moshe Schwab, Rosh Kollel of Detroit's Lakewood kollel was niftar Sunday after suffering a heart attack the previous week.

Moshe Weissberg 06.06.16

"Get impure" • posters in New York against Abutbul

Defamatory protest signs were distributed in Haredi neighborhoods of Brooklyn and Monsey against Moshe Abutbul, Mayor of the "Zionist" Beit Shemesh • Mayor is about to land in New York on Thursday

Yaki Adamker, B'Chadrei Charedim 12.11.12

The Viznitzer Rebbe – Monsey got up from Shiva – and was hospitalized

The Rebbe got up from the Shiva on his brother, and complained that he is not feeling well. In hospital they discovered an infection in his blood – and decided to hospitalize him. Tefillos in the Chassidic centers for the recovery of R' Mordechai Ben Margalia

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 21.03.12