י' טבת התשפ"ה


"Ein Od Milvado" learns Yiddish

"Ein Od Milvado" of Israeli singer, Shlomi Shabat in a unique version of the hit, plus upgraded Clip by Dudi Knopfler and "Shira" choir

Kobi Har Tzvi 25.08.16

"Ein Od Milvado" learns Yiddish

"Ein Od Milvado" of Israeli singer, Shlomi Shabat in a unique version of the hit, plus upgraded Clip by Dudi Knopfler and "Shira" choir

Kobi Har Tzvi 25.08.16

Hershey Rosenbaum "Hayom Haze", dance!

The young singer Hershey Rosenbaum releases a new single, "Hayom Haze", in honor of his friend's wedding • The lyrics were written by David Knobloch, and Mix by Avi Jano • Listen

Kobi Har Tzvi 24.08.16

Hershey Rosenbaum "Hayom Haze", dance!

The young singer Hershey Rosenbaum releases a new single, "Hayom Haze", in honor of his friend's wedding • The lyrics were written by David Knobloch, and Mix by Avi Jano • Listen

Kobi Har Tzvi 24.08.16

Hershey Rosenbaum "Hayom Haze", dance!

The young singer Hershey Rosenbaum releases a new single, "Hayom Haze", in honor of his friend's wedding • The lyrics were written by David Knobloch, and Mix by Avi Jano • Listen

Kobi Har Tzvi 24.08.16

Rav Chaim Kanievsky's message about learning on Bein Hazmanim

Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky, Rosh Yeshiva of Philadelphia in the US and a member of the Moetzes Gdolei HaTorah visited Israel for the marriage of his grandson. He went to Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shli"ta and during the conversation he asked Rav Chaim how much one needs to learn during Bein Hazmanim. Rav Chaim replied: "The duty is to learn all day as usual"

Moshe Weisberg 24.08.16

Building communication for children's safety

This video will teach you how to speak to your children about child safety/abuse prevention in an effective, research-based manner. Presented as a public service by The Karasick Child Safety Initiative of The Center for Jewish Family Life/Project YES

Atara Sternbuch 22.08.16

Building communication for children's safety

This video will teach you how to speak to your children about child safety/abuse prevention in an effective, research-based manner. Presented as a public service by The Karasick Child Safety Initiative of The Center for Jewish Family Life/Project YES

Atara Sternbuch 22.08.16

The next hit? "Shir Hushvacha" by Eli Laufer

Eli Laufer presents: "Shir Hushvacha", a first single from the new album he is currently working on • His father, Moshe Laufer, composed and arranged the song

Kobi Har Tzvi 20.08.16

The next hit? "Shir Hushvacha" by Eli Laufer

Eli Laufer presents: "Shir Hushvacha", a first single from the new album he is currently working on • His father, Moshe Laufer, composed and arranged the song

Kobi Har Tzvi 20.08.16

Mazel Tov: Engagement of the Belzer Rebbe's granddaughter

In the Belzer Rebbe's residence in Yerushalayim, last night was the LeChaim of his fourth granddaughter. The Kalla is a daughter of Rabbi Aharon Mordechai Rokeach and the Chosson a son of Rabbi Aharon Zweibel • Gallery

Moshe Weisberg 18.08.16

Mazel Tov: Engagement of the Belzer Rebbe's granddaughter

In the Belzer Rebbe's residence in Yerushalayim, last night was the LeChaim of his fourth granddaughter. The Kalla is a daughter of Rabbi Aharon Mordechai Rokeach and the Chosson a son of Rabbi Aharon Zweibel • Gallery

Moshe Weisberg 18.08.16

Shocking: Jewelry with swastikas

International Fashion stores chain, owns hundreds of offices around the world including Israel, allegedly sells jewelry with swastikas

Itzik Mann 15.08.16

Shocking: Jewelry with swastikas

International Fashion stores chain, owns hundreds of offices around the world including Israel, allegedly sells jewelry with swastikas

Itzik Mann 15.08.16

Eicha Against the background of the Holocaust

Listen to a rare recording of Megillas Eicha from a Holocaust survivor, the chazan of Breslev, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Bender - against the images from the days of rage

Kobi Har Tzvi 14.08.16

How social media affects the news you read

In today's digital age," it’s not important if a story’s real, the only thing that really matters is whether people click on it." So said Neetzan Zimmerman , a specialist in high traffic viral stories back in 2014. “If a person is not sharing a news story, it is, at its core, not news.”

Abe Aron 31.07.16

Turkey takes action against the media

Anadolu, Turkey's state run news agency reported Wednesday that 45 newspapers, 16 television stations and three news agencies were closed.

Abe Aron 28.07.16
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