ז' אדר התשפ"ה


Explosion in Khartoum weapons factory

explosion at the 'Yarmuk' factory in Sudan's capital Khartoum • factors point an accusing finger at: Israel • Witnesses: aircraft heard just before the explosion • damage caused to the factory

Yoel Koritz, B'Chadrei Charedim 25.10.12

Montreal: Gentile who robbed 14 synagogues caught

After a month and a half of robberies and follow ups, the Jewish community in Montreal are relieved • searches led to a gentile resident of the Ultra Orthodox community

Yoel Bitelman, B'Chadrei Charedim 22.10.12

Canada: petrol bomb thrown into kosher restaurant

The bomb caused harsh financial damage to the place • According to an eye witness two masked men fled the scene • The owner of the restaurant: "Two years ago a petrol bomb was thrown as well

Yoel Bittelman, Behadrey Haredim 21.10.12

Google Introduces: First Internet Museum

More than 6 million photos and documents from the 20th century to star in a revolutionary museum can be accessed from any PC for free • Yad Vashem Museum plays a key role in the project

Shmuel Klein B'Chadrei Charedim 15.10.12

Montreal: The inspectors requested Sukkah's to be broken down

Municipal inspectors demanded ultra-Orthodox residents of Montreal to dismantle their Sukkah during Simchas Torah, and if not - shall be fined with $400 Canadian • activists intervened and obtained an extension.

Yoel Bitleman B'Chadrei Charedim 12.10.12

Pakistani Protests Of Anti-Muslim Film Turn Deadly

Peshawar, Pakistan - Protests over an anti-Muslim film turned violent Friday across Pakistan, with police firing tear gas and live ammunition at thousands of demonstrators who threw rocks and set fire to buildings. At least 15 people were killed and dozens were injured.


Iranian Hackers Target Bank Of America, JPMorgan

When workers at JPMorgan-Chase and Bank of America logged on last week, all they saw were messages that said denial-of-service. U.S. security officials told NBC News the reason was an Iranian government bug; the cyber-response to a YouTube movie poking fun at the Prophet Mohammed. Over the last two weeks some Muslim leaders have used the video to spark protests and murder throughout the Middle East and North Africa


Moslem Violence delays US support to Egypt

The worldwide reaction to the anti-Islamic film which was screened in the USA, has caused violent riots, which in turn have brought about the reaction of the United States


USA ambassador in Libya murdered

At the end of a rocket attack on the American consulate in Libya, the USA ambassador, Christopher Stevens was killed, together with another employee and two American commando fighters. The protest broke out as a result of a movie which a former Israeli produced, in which he mocks the "Prophet Mohammed". Film producer: "Islam is cancer". Obama: "Shocking, we will increase the security"

Yoel Koritz, Behadrey Haredim 13.09.12

New data: 13.75 million Jews in the world

A new report reveals: growing rate of Jews is slower than rest of population. 82% of Jews live in Israel and the USA. Rate of assimilation in USA higher than 50%

Behadrey Haredim reporter 09.09.12

New data: 13.75 million Jews in the world

A new report reveals: growing rate of Jews is slower than rest of population. 82% of Jews live in Israel and the USA. Rate of assimilation in USA higher than 50%

Behadrey Haredim reporter 09.09.12

Canada severed relations with Teheran. "Threat to world security"

The Canadian government reported that it has removed Iranian diplomats from its territory, and retuned its representatives from Teheran to Canada. Iranians: "The Canadian government is radical and influenced by the Zionistic regime".

Yoel Koritz, Behadrey HAredim 08.09.12

First Chassidish wedding in history in… Alaska

In Ancorage, Alaska, the Chabad Shaliach, Harav Yosef Greenberg, celebrated his daughter's wedding, and the members of the kehilla saw for the first time in their lives a Chassidishe wedding. The local television broadcasted a special report. Watch

Nachman Gur, Behadrey Haredim 22.08.12

"Chatanu Lefanecha, Rachem Aleinu" The Yemenites ask forgivenss

Members of the Yemenite community gathered yesterday in the Beis Midrash of the city's Rav and eldest of the Yemenite Rabbonim, Hagaon R' Shlomo Korach. The event: a minyan for saying the "Ashmurot" – the Yemenite Slichos.

Yaakov Cohen, Beharey Haredim 20.08.12

Iran: more than 300 killed in earthquake

As of now, it was reported about more than 300 dead and about 2,600 injured. The numbers might escalate as the ruins are evacuated. 6 villages were totally destroyed and 60 others damaged. Documentation

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 12.08.12

Iran: more than 300 killed in earthquake

As of now, it was reported about more than 300 dead and about 2,600 injured. The numbers might escalate as the ruins are evacuated. 6 villages were totally destroyed and 60 others damaged. Documentation

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 12.08.12

Father murdered in Yemen – family made Aliya

The widow and four sons of Moshe Nahari hy"d, who was murdered in Yemen on anti-Semitic grounds four years ago, arrived in Israel. In Israel, the other five family members who made Aliyah immediately after the murder, awaited them.

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 12.08.12

Father murdered in Yemen – family made Aliya

The widow and four sons of Moshe Nahari hy"d, who was murdered in Yemen on anti-Semitic grounds four years ago, arrived in Israel. In Israel, the other five family members who made Aliyah immediately after the murder, awaited them.

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 12.08.12

The Businessman Who Finished Shas Twice

Yosef Simon, Toronto businessman, is on the verge of completing Shas for the second time within the framework of Daf Yomi. “It’s like exercise: It’s not easy, but it benefits the body.” Absolute satisfaction.

Eli Cohen, Behadrei Hareidim 26.07.12

Kadafi's helper verifies: his mother was Jewish

The head of ceremony of the Libyan tyrant who was liquidated verifies for the first time: Moamar Kadafi's mother was Jewish. Three senior figures in power were murdered just because they revealed the sensitive information.

Yaki Admaker, Behadrei Hareidim 18.07.12
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